good one but still need fixes!!
the icons make fore them other <table> to be at the center!
And this buttoms are to old !! For me login buttoms are better!<--just for me no what u shoud do-->
but still continiu good work!!!
Thank you so much NickSpace, you helped me so much!!!! With the help of that i will be able to make even better GM shops and Buffers. Thank You so much!!!!
lol if you like to help anyone wana make me a gm shop ive gotten the gear for the other gm shops but when i try to spawn 1 i get "target not in game" any one wana help (running a C5 server)
maybe u don't exst at the database?? search your npc tample if that npc exist or not!!! if not (and that is sure)make a new one with that id and his type must be L2Merchant and the html at the merchant folder!! And this is off topic every help u want i have a tread for that!!
RevoAdmin, I didn't add any SQLs. But you can use the SQLs from your old GM Shop and just change the buylists values and what the icons say. If you don't have a old GM shop, download an other one with SQLs and just use this HTML and change the buylists values and what the icons say.
SoLuTiOn, i only added the Weapon, Armour and Jewellery shop HTML. I am busy working on a NPC Buffer where you click on the buffs' icons. But i will add one with Scrolls, Potions and ETC items later on.