[Share]ShadowMadness C5 ServerPack L2J 

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Experienced Elementalist
Oct 14, 2006
Reaction score
I'm back and i finished work on v3 of my serverpack!!

Date of release: 06/02/2007

What's new since last release:
Version 3 :
-Added ClanHalls and Auctioneers
-Cleaned the code
-Added Missing NPC (missing shops in town)
-Corrected some htmls
-Reworked Zariche (now it should work w/o problems)
-Added Global GK to optional folder
-Reworked some skills (1100-1199)
-Added C5 skills
-Reworked the database installer
-Reworked gameserver.bat
-Reworked and changed the startloginserver.bat to AuthServer.bat
-Fixed some quests(minor fixs)
-Added full C5 GMSHOP
-Added new NPCBuffer
-Fixed some shops(added missing items)
-Added C5 boats
-Updated to latest L2JOFF revisions
-Updated protection against hlapex

Source Download:
Pass for the sources: shadowmadness

ServerPack Download:


On future version i will focus on improving stability.
Serverpack tested, runned w/o error.

- L2J ( Kadar and his team )
Special Thanks:
- xXPantheRXx
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It seems to be fine,
Good job, im downloadin and write how it works :)

i have router problem, friends cant join my server i forwoarded this ports:
TCP\IP ports: 2106, 7777, 2009, 80 and DNS port (TCP\IP UDP) 53
are they k?
Going to test, Rated as Excellent, it seems to be a good pack :)
It seems to be fine,
Good job, im downloadin and write how it works :)

i have router problem, friends cant join my server i forwoarded this ports:
TCP\IP ports: 2106, 7777, 2009, 80 and DNS port (TCP\IP UDP) 53
are they k?

free those ports and u are ok
Not a expert with router problems ...sry
uploaded to rapidshare

quality downloads from george
oops that goes on other forums :P
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