Sharing an AOL connection

are you trying to deny what i'm experiencing? Are you trying to make me think that i'm not on the net with my other PC even tho i can visit internet adresses? Bah, there must b a way
get a adsl router and network it using that way. i havent used aol myself coz its **** so i dunno if it will work. the other way is to connect it to 1 comp and use a cross over cable or a hub and network the comps and set the other computer to use LAN settings. its easy :p
it doesnt matter if AOL doesnt support networking surely if you have the network up and you enable internet sharing thought internet explorer on host machine and then set the terminal to look at the host machine it will work in fact im certain that works i did it at fixxxers house
SpinX said:
it doesnt matter if AOL doesnt support networking surely if you have the network up and you enable internet sharing thought internet explorer on host machine and then set the terminal to look at the host machine it will work in fact im certain that works i did it at fixxxers house

correct :p