Shining Lore

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
hi anyone know of a shining lore server? cuz i know a bunch of people have them on this other site but they are being @$$h0l3s and saying they won't distribute the server. so if anyone knows of where to get the shning lore server, please help. thanks
its not open to public only to there forums.....oo yea u wont get the server if u do it wont be from that forum
Kaze posts on RZ occasionally to, so don't say bad things about enterlance, he can do whatever he wants, it's not his files, it's the chinese files, he is just converting them to english (I think?). So if you search, you will find it. If you search well that is.

And it ain't open to the public Dr. Stank.

If anyone links to enterlance, You will get modded, I will make sure of it, as linking to their forums is against their TOS.
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so why wont he release it to anyone else...that is selfish of him when he gets stuff from here
so it's agains't their TOS not ragezone's that's kinda lame to mod someone for that. i can see how they wan't to keep it private but that won't stop anyone from finding and exploiting the link elsewhere, i noticed over on aegis too it was removed but guaranteed enough people seen it and have already posted it elsewhere. i have the link but i don't even care to play that game nor do i care to give the link out, i'll respect the site's wishes and not repost it anywhere.
yea but onrpg is making there server software from scratch.....gunna take a while befor they get a server working
Yea, but I think OnRPG will be fine, they can do it.

On a side note, If someone did release a link, Kaze would just contact MentaL and tell him, that's what Kaze did when someone did that in the Aegis board. He contacted Tranmir, and it was taken care of.