[SHOW] Release is soon.. please post comment..

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Inside the System
link is here... template is by ZYMIC.com i made it into a fittble CMS composed out of 2 CMSes
from dyeprey and element


Dyeprey = his cms codes
Element = his cms codes
Zymic.com = there template
Me = putting it all together lol
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Re: [SHOW]SOON[RELEASE] If good and nice 4 u [CMS]

Thats easy to make, they just took the layour from a free layout place -_-

But for some it would be hard so good job.
Re: [SHOW]SOON[RELEASE] If good and nice 4 u [CMS]

Erm if u all read the first post GOOD then u would see that i said THIS

This cms is composed out of 2 cms'es

-RoseCP 1.5
-Rosecms.. by element

So it means =.= I used those 2 cmses together and made 1 of it

So please dont be so hard on me...

Greetings, JumpaZ

EDIT: Why the hell can no1 respect some1es work and always say its ripped... Show me your OWN made template then...
Re: [SHOW]SOON[RELEASE] If good and nice 4 u [CMS]

deejd pal, calm down bro. i appreciate ur work and its looking good, I'll be looking forward to try it out when u release it.
Re: [SHOW]SOON[RELEASE] If good and nice 4 u [CMS]

You removed Zymic.com copyright from the footer.
They were emailed to check on that website.

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Re: [SHOW]SOON[RELEASE] If good and nice 4 u [CMS]

wow. yet another code ripper. people that cant start from scratch. lol. anyway.
it looks good.
Re: [SHOW]SOON[RELEASE] If good and nice 4 u [CMS]

Yes its from zymic and i dont care but not to be a foul dyeprey but i will add copyrights to you and element for the use of the codes that are yours.

and btw the copyrights of zymic are still there ;)

BTW if a mod wants to remove my post i dont stand him in the way..
maybe i just shouldnt release it becoz ppl call me code ripper... and the credits point to the owners..
Re: Please Delete

its all over now. topic is deleted soon anyway for those who thanked me ... ty back :)
for those who hated me i meant it all to be ok but i might removed the copyright i added it back it was dumb of me i will buy the layout and then remove the copyrights if any1 is still interested do pm me ;)
Re: Please Delete

I already contacted the administrator and its staff members. I also sent screenshots and now im sending the screenshot that you admitted to remove the copyright.

Re: Please Delete

locolijo your just a plain dumbass who doesn't appreciate others work. deejdd, I would like to see what you made. Maybe you can PM me the link to it?
Re: Please Delete

link is here... template is by ZYMIC.com i made it into a fittble CMS composed out of 2 CMSes
from dyeprey and element
