[Sig] Purple Lights

GFX Maniac
Loyal Member
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Made something out today again

This might look weird because I had alot of work with the render, it was too dark to a sig i kinda adjusted it my way
Divine Celestial
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction score
awesome work there. one of your bests when it comes to overall look.
i dont rly like the typo, but everything there is nice. having an hard time finding a flaw. bg is a bit messed up as i think you could find a better stock but its still fine.
all good, theres an overall improvement too.
Numero uno tagger.
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
y so mono?
Not really into the lighting and the choice of colors, the compo of this piece could use some work. You need to work on the background blending, it doesn't seem that blended well. There is a very small amount of depth here, you need to work on your depth, to achieve nice depth, you need a good bg, the bg doesn't quite cut it here, work on the brightness and contrast of this piece, and the topaz is fuckin' ugly.
Imo, the tag is very simple and has too much of a beginner feel to it, try reading more advanced tutorials and giving them a shot.
Drop border and text, yo.
GFX Maniac
Loyal Member
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks all

If I post the render you will say "god how did you even turn it so colorish"

Monotone for it was the better choice, the whole render was dark dark blue

I don't agree with the BG nor the depth, you're notion of depth is putting something behind the render and then the same C4D in front of the render to make it seem like it's between them? That doesn't work well with anime sigs...

Also about blending... You blend too much I don't blend too much, fair enought. I know you are right, but you shouldn't just make the clothes or the render way too similar to the BG or you'll barely see the render, just its eyes and maybe hair... Blending has an abstract feeling to it and depends on the point of vew of the ppl who creates sigs
Numero uno tagger.
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
You don't need to post the render, no one cares about that, the thing that matters is the final outcome, if it isn't good, it isn't good, I'm not saying this isn't good, I'm saying you can do better.
My idea of depth isn't putting 1 thing in between 2 things ? Where'd you get that from? My notion to depth is to make the piece as 3d as possible, to make it look as real as possible, to give people 3d illusion, putting things in between is one of the ways, it's not my way, but it's a way.

Neither of us are wrong, all the aspects of a tag are there, its just some lack more than others, I'm just pointing out the ones that do.
Blending is just making everything interact with each other better and flow together better.
GFX Maniac
Loyal Member
Feb 20, 2011
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I agree with you but it's damn difficult do make that with an anime render I'm working on depth but that only works with me when the BG has nothing in front of it, what I really want to achieve someday is something like this one

The depth on this one is completely amazing (it wasn't done by me) but I never get a comp where I'm able to do that. Even the advanced tutorials I see are all more basic than all the sigs I made, the techniques they use are all similar to mine...

My problem atm is finding good renders to make my sigs...

Thanks for your comments too dude, they really help
Divine Celestial
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
You do amazing photos/edits. I love this one, maybe make it a bit brighter? But I love it.
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
I really like this one i think you should explore more colours opposed to just sticking to the two pink/purples it can be too much but this works quite well.