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Signature pics

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SaNgDrAxE - Signature pics - RaGEZONE Forums
i think thats it with the url in the middle

edit: bah it aint comming up lol -.- ill tell u on msn
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u upload it to your webspace

and in your sig u add

replace the * with an m

would be cool if there were a center tag though O.O
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Mines sexay.. pity I have a bandwith limit :(

BTW, I read the signature limit thread, and really if it's a big deal to people they can just have it so they don't see signatures anyway... Really the only people that would have a problem w/this is people on a VERY slow connection anway.
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Vinzer Hiroshi said:
lol yeah. i was hopin youd use a real pic of yourself :P *shrugs* ahh well ^_^

Aint making the mistake of posting my pic again :(
Awwww darn :P Ill show mine if you show yours ;) ^_^.

Anyways *cough* I wonder how long it will be before gohanssj complains some more about sigs. We cant help it he is poor and has a tiny monitor ^_^.

My sig is a picture of Magus from the game Crono Trigger.
thisguys is obviously aeris from ff7 and dbaha's is bahamut from one of the ff's...not sure which :P.
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Vinzer Hiroshi said:
Awwww darn :P Ill show mine if you show yours ;) ^_^.

Anyways *cough* I wonder how long it will be before gohanssj complains some more about sigs. We cant help it he is poor and has a tiny monitor ^_^.

My sig is a picture of Magus from the game Crono Trigger.
thisguys is obviously aeris from ff7 and dbaha's is bahamut from one of the ff's...not sure which :P.

Like I said, if some1 has a problem with the sizes they can turn the siggy off anyway..

And I know it's Magus as CT is my favorite game of allll time :good:
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