When you are trying to use the Force on your teacher
When you have a small device, which you take out of your back pocket to say then to it "Scotty beam me up"
When that girl or guy from that soap serie is your dreamgirl/guy
When you say "lol" in real life
When you put after each line in English class, a smilie
When you change your name to your online nickname
When you no longer respond to your normal name anymore
When you call people irl a noob, and you call yourself "1337"
When you got a fight with someone, you tell them to back off or you will hack them
When you give the English teacher crap because he said you spelled things wrong which you reply with "just cuz u dont undrstnd meh doesnt mean u can punish me 4 it"
When i think of some more later i will add them, feel free to add some of your own too.
When you have a small device, which you take out of your back pocket to say then to it "Scotty beam me up"
When that girl or guy from that soap serie is your dreamgirl/guy
When you say "lol" in real life
When you put after each line in English class, a smilie
When you change your name to your online nickname
When you no longer respond to your normal name anymore
When you call people irl a noob, and you call yourself "1337"
When you got a fight with someone, you tell them to back off or you will hack them
When you give the English teacher crap because he said you spelled things wrong which you reply with "just cuz u dont undrstnd meh doesnt mean u can punish me 4 it"
When i think of some more later i will add them, feel free to add some of your own too.