Signs that you are taking things to far

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The Unbeatable
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Netherlands
When you are trying to use the Force on your teacher
When you have a small device, which you take out of your back pocket to say then to it "Scotty beam me up"
When that girl or guy from that soap serie is your dreamgirl/guy
When you say "lol" in real life
When you put after each line in English class, a smilie
When you change your name to your online nickname
When you no longer respond to your normal name anymore
When you call people irl a noob, and you call yourself "1337"
When you got a fight with someone, you tell them to back off or you will hack them
When you give the English teacher crap because he said you spelled things wrong which you reply with "just cuz u dont undrstnd meh doesnt mean u can punish me 4 it"

When i think of some more later i will add them, feel free to add some of your own too. :D
GohanSSJ said:
When you put after each line in English class, a smilie
When you change your name to your online nickname
When you call people irl a noob, and you call yourself "1337"
When you give the English teacher crap because he said you spelled things wrong which you reply with "just cuz u dont undrstnd meh doesnt mean u can punish me 4 it"

hmm describe me perfect >.< this annoyin person in my class never stops talking so when the teachers there i just simply say "STFU n00b coz i t3h r0x0rz" -.- and i put a smilie in my eng coursework and got a big X through it ^^:D

NeoSparky said:
guilty :( did that once :P

same :/
lol i remember the 1st time i met sic we instantly started talkin bout shiz but tlkin like we were on msn or something lol

"that owns" "that roxors" "fkin noobs" etc etc :D

omg i think we took it too far in leeds when we broke the bus stop :D
me an maka just looked at each other an we were like ".... omg did that just happen??..... OMG ROFL!!!" then we ran lol
i call my brother newbie all the time, hey its a real word so its not taking things that far...
Exclamatio said:
lol i remember the 1st time i met sic we instantly started talkin bout shiz but tlkin like we were on msn or something lol

"that owns" "that roxors" "fkin noobs" etc etc :D
ye but that was just coz it had 2 b done :P

The bus stop breaking was so funny
When you are trying to use the Force on your teacher
=> does that mean charming 2 ??? :ehwatever :rolleyes:

When that girl or guy from that soap serie is your dreamgirl/guy
=> omg, c'mon thats normal :eek:, i mean... doesn't everyone ???
=> there r a few hunks on tv l8tely :P

When you say "lol" in real life
=> i catch myself saying lol or ROFL 2 something funny sometimes :S

When you put after each line in English class, a smilie
=> with the last review of my thesis 2 years ago, i found a smiley just before printing the damn thing :(

When you change your name to your online nickname
=> i like japanese games... if i didnt like my name , i would surely change it into a japanese/anime one :oS but thats only my anime loving side that comes to life :tp:

(there r other things in this matter that i wont reveal now :tp: )

im serious about what i said here :rolleyes:

and if u dont really know me : no , i dont consider myself normal :tp:
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ur SIC and u stay SIC :tp:

when u go to LAN-partys, its a custom 2 call people by their nicks :S... all my friends r gamers so we do it all the time :rolleyes:

( the name-thingy, not anything else that comes into ur obsessed mind :tp: U KNOW WHO U ARE )
Re: Re: Signs that you are taking things to far

Dragon said:
When you are trying to use the Force on your teacher
=> does that mean charming 2 ??? :ehwatever :rolleyes:
The Force comes from Star Wars, with the Force they can do all kind of things, including mind tricks
When that girl or guy from that soap serie is your dreamgirl/guy
=> omg, c'mon thats normal :eek:, i mean... doesn't everyone ???
=> there r a few hunks on tv l8tely :P
Lol, liking a person for their looks is 1 thing, thinking they are the one is a other thing. :D
When you say "lol" in real life
=> i catch myself saying lol or ROFL 2 something funny sometimes :S
Lol, must be a belgium thingy. :tp:
When you put after each line in English class, a smilie
=> with the last review of my thesis 2 years ago, i found a smiley just before printing the damn thing :(
What can i say.... LMFAO :rofl:
When you change your name to your online nickname
=> i like japanese games... if i didnt like my name , i would surely change it into a japanese/anime one :oS but thats only my anime loving side that comes to life :tp:
What is your name anyway? :tp:
(there r other things in this matter that i wont reveal now :tp: )

im serious about what i said here :rolleyes:

and if u dont really know me : no , i dont consider myself normal :tp:
Are you like Neo, Special?
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