[Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events

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Nov 6, 2015
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DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Welcome to Loas online entertainment gaming made professionally by a professional team. We’re a group of friends that have been playing together since the beginning of Silkroad, we’ve always been together through everything. It’s been almost 8 years since we met each other and we’ve decided to open up a server about 2 years ago since the files came out. We’ve been working secretly for a long period of time and waiting patiently to see what others failed to do and we’re going to master it thoroughly.
Let’s started with what our game offers you. Rates may be changed later on, it all depends on the players and the game demands.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Experience/Skill Point Ratesx35
Party Experience/Skill Point Ratesx40
Drop Ratex12
Alchemy Ratex1
Job Ratex80
Gold Drop Ratex3
Max. Plus12
Regions EnabledJangan. Donwhang. Hotan.
Fortress WarOnly Hotan
Auto EquipmentFrom Degree 1 till Degree 8
Magic POPDisabled

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

We’ve made so many changes in our items that it is almost impossible to track all of it, but we will be listing what is required and the most minimum information about it. Playing yourself will give you much more knowledge and more fun.

Astral is removed.
Reverse cooldown is 1 minute now.
Global cooldown is 30 seconds now.
Damage/Defense scrolls are disabled to give fair advantage to the people that did not donate and the people that did donate, a fair advantage to all.
Purification bills bug by mbot and sbot are fixed.
*SOX items will be explained below.
Devil Spirit nerfed from 15% to 7% hp/mp increase. The damage increase is only 10% now from 15%.
We’ve nerfed Devil Spirit to allow a little of bit of balance between the builds to make it fairer for each and every build made to have its advantages and disadvantages.
Vigors nerfed from 25% to 10%.
We’ve also nerfed Vigors from 25% to 10% to apply some balance between the str and int, leaving at 25% would make str unbeatable. 10% applies some balance to both str and int.
Resurrection scrolls are disabled because we do not want donators being killed and resurrected every time while giving the non-donators no chance of surviving.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Skills balance that we made. We edit almost every build there is in silkroad, to make a balance that favors everyone and works for everyone.
Of course nothing is perfect, changes can be made in the future, but for now this is the best we could do.

Snow is now made purely for int only, str cannot use snow now because it makes them too overpowered against any other build.
DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Force skills as follows:
DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Anti-abuse Features

We’ve added anti-abuse features that enables the gameplay to be more balanced and quite enjoyable without having to deal with the bugs that are frequently abused everywhere. These features are disabling the speed bug which enables the player to attack at a rapid base with 5-7 skills in just 3 seconds or so. So we had to add an anti-cheat system that disables the abuse of these bugs. A couple of them are listed below.

Exit Delay is 20 seconds.
Restart is disabled.
Exchange Delay is 10 seconds.
Stall Delay is 20 seconds.

Stall Limit is 10bil.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Silk Scroll
We’ve also added silk scrolls to enable the selling of silk to be much be much easier for the players to deal with. You can now trade silks with another player much easier than asking for what items they want. A variety of scrolls are added as shown below.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Auto Equipment
Auto Equipment was made from scratch, our own system. It offers you free items from degree 1 to degree 8. We’ve enabled this system because the gold rate that we’ve is low and we wanted to give you a little boost reaching max level.

Job Cave
•You can teleport to the job cave from the Donwhang teleporter. There is 2 teleport points, 1 for hunters/traders and 1 for thieves.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

•Also the monsters in there are also nerfed to level 90 and is 100% balanced.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

•You can also gain special drops from the job cave.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Iron coin
HP&MP +1900 Potion
You can buy Silk items with "Iron coins"

Job Cave Uniques are nerfed and are well balanced to match the requirement that is needed for cap 90.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Capture the Flag
Capture the Flag is every 2 hours, and the reward for every kill is 1 silver coin. Also the required level to enter Capture the Flag is level 90. We’ve made the required level 90 to disable the bugs and the abusing that was made by other people by creating low characters and killing with another low character.

Battle Arena
Battle Arena is every 2 hours, and the reward is 7 arena coin to the team that won, 1 arena coin to the team that lost. Original system that was used by isro, but it also guarantees some fairness and no abusing.

Forgotten World
Forgotten World is disabled atm, it will be enabled during the upcoming patches. Testing it to make sure it gives the right reward and while it is also balanced with cap 90 before enabling it.

Holy Water Temple
Holy Water Temple is disabled atm, it will be enabled during the upcoming patches. Testing it to make sure it gives the right reward and while it is also balanced with cap 90 before enabling it.

Start items:

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

IP Limit is 2. This is a temporary thing or a permanent thing, it all depends on the players. We also have PC limit which is going enabled later on. It is also going to be 2 only as well, but further protection is always good.

Union Limit
Union Limit is 2. We’ve decreased the union limit to 2 to increase the amount of fun, and to also make sure you choose the right ally at the right time to assist you inside the fortress war and outside it.

Guild Limit
Guild Limit is 32. We’ve decreased it from 50 to 32 to increase the amount of guilds in the server. This is also what the players’ want, since they want more “action”.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

SOX system remade completely and made balanced to favor every build.
We’ve edited the normal SOS equipment to make it balanced with the items of the last tier. We’ve decreased the damage difference in the moon to increase the balance between the builds. Check below for more information.

SOS = 85 + 1
Moon = 85 + 3

SoX Items

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

And now finally how to obtain these items above.

How to obtain SOS equipments.

SOS equipment is obtainable from normal monster all around Roc Mountain, but there is a higher chance of obtaining it from job cave than Roc Mountain.

Drop rate at Roc Mountain is very low.
Drop rate at Job Cave is middle rated.

We’ve increased the drop rate inside the job cave to decrease the chance of obtaining the SOS items and to also entertain the players with a little challenge of not botting all night and getting too many SOS items.

How to obtain moon equipments.
Silver Coin and it is obtainable from Capture the Flag and Uniques.

Gold Coin and it is obtainable by jobbing and there is no limit, however you can only buy the moon equipments with a very high amount of Gold Coin.

Arena coin and it is obtainable through Battle Arena. Battle Arena starts every 2 hours.

The amount of that is required is also a huge amount.
We’ve done this not to make it impossible for the players but to make it worthy to those who are truly playing to enjoy the game and to make it a long term game.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

We’ve made this system to represent what the game is all about. Balance and equality between everyone. This system strongly forbids and punishes everyone automatically that tries to ruin the game play that we’ve built for everyone.
Dropping and picking goods inside the town is strictly forbidden and therefore has been decided on by our Anti-Cheat. You cannot drop a pet inside the town or near the town, you have to get 300 meters away from the town to drop it, even it if is empty.
Trading is only made possible with 1 character at a time, enabling the job to become much more enjoyable and not abuse-able or people trading with more than one character at a time. If you try to wear job with your second character you’ll be automatically disconnected.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

We’ve added many Automatic event that are made entirely by our automatic 24/7 bot system. We’ve coded and added this system so it is more accurate than the silk per hour systems and those similar systems that are entirely useless. We offer so much free silk daily that is impossible for other servers to comprehend it. We do not compare ourselves with the rest of the servers because we learn from our mistakes. Of course mistakes can be made, but we try to fix them on the spot with the best of the best working together to achieve what is impossible. These events are made to make the game enjoyable and fair towards everyone.

Kill the GM event This event is made by the bot system that we offer, you have to equip the required cape color that the bot says otherwise you cannot win even if you last hit it. It will be a total of 3 rounds and it is made every

Reward is 50 silk every round.

Lucky Party Number To participate in this event you have to reform the party number that the bot requires and as soon as you reach what the stated # by the bot was you will automatically win the round.

Reward is 20 silk every round.

Trivia Event A variety of questions that are asked by the bot, you can answer either by global or pm (private message) that is entirely up to you. However, the answer has to be correct or one of the answers that is required to win it.

Reward is 20 silk every round.

We have many more. But we currently are enabling these 3 only for now while we test and make sure the other events are working perfectly like the ones listed above.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Team Members:
Over | Developer | Admin | Pk2 Editor | Game Master
Fearless | Developer | Admin | Pk2 Editor | Game Master
Maximo | Investor | General Administration | Game Master
Justin1337 | Advertiser | General Administration | Game Master
DSHMSS | Tester | Advertiser | General Administration | Game Master
StatyO | General Administration | Game Master | Tester | Designer | Thread Creator
Sumerian | Developer | General Administration | Game Master

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

Like & SHARE our post on Facebook for a chance to win 300 Silk

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

This concludes what our server has to offers you. We really made this server old school based where everything is similar to the original 90 cap but with a few changes that makes it easier to deal and enjoy with the gameplay. If you like what you’ve seen/read so far then support our server by advertising it using our signature on forums that allow it only.

DSHMSS - [Silkroad] Loas Online | Cap 90 | CH Only | Job based | Long-Term | Automatic events - RaGEZONE Forums

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