Simple function of Anti DDOS php

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
ANTI DDOSI know this kind of function is not new to develop with great knowledge, but my intention to post this code was in an attempt to help the candidates to make a progress plan, but they may actually posted to help only, given the number of servers being attacked by this type of attack. Well, what can I but diser? This code should be used as a help for you, but it is interesting that you can also do this for a user who needs full support on this request and that this code is just a complement to your protection. * Function: Block access O The IP contains several times per second on your WEBSITE.The code is the same as sending messages from malicious people who are trying to knock down your serverand also send error messages to anyone who is trying to attackand continue to insist on continuing the attack, the site is unavailable to attack
all the credits go to: NervaWarning, this code has texts in Portuguese, that you must translate for your
sorry my ingles ....

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