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Simple question

Feb 1, 2007
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ok, im not really wanting to run a whole server, but i was looking for some tips for creating one to play around on, and was wanting to create a BC server for myself. i play the actual wow so i don't want to change my version from 2.0.6, and in particular i want to create one that includes flying mounts (nether drakes especially) and the tier 5 warrior set. i would like to know where to download the same kind as this in which using a server emulator, he shows the nether drake, warrior tier 5, and some cool BC weapons. anyone sure what emulator he's using and where i can get it?
ok welp theres one on the first page if you look next there is no stable 2.0.6 to my knowledge they all suck, also if you want all of that i would suggest just using the beta client its acculy more stable
just trust me you will not find a stable one someone correct me if i am wrong but i have not seen one stable repack out there for 2.0.6 i haven't tried them all but i have a few so i don't know i would suggest you get a kobold v3 repack and the 2.0.1 client and add t4 and t5 i know there are a few servers you can have flying mounts as well as t4 and t5 but i don't think they releasing there source or server file's anytime soon