Sincere Apologies RZ......

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
Syndey, Aussie
As you may no, that there is a new forum called

One Of Our Members must of got the message that is better then RZ and was trying to take over it (Don't No Where he Got It From) ..... i asked him to try advertise...... So What Does This Person do... goes spam our good friends at RZ........

Sincere Apologies RZ........ We Do Not Mean Any Harm...... The Person Involved Will be Delt With

:) Thanks & Sorry Again
Fitzy, DJRavine , Yamachi & Ryu
(We Had Nothing To Do With It)
I saw that too, DJ explained it to me and I had to chuckle a bit at it.
He was drunk when he did that... 36 beers XD His all time best. Anyways, he felt pretty bad about it the next day, so we advised that he apologised in person, which he sorta did...
True That..... And yes I belive i have a bit of Scotish Heratige In meh..... aye Ryu? us Scots love to drink....

Anyway I Apologised and im still feel bad.....

NOTE* i may asweel tell you about the time i was drunk before.....

on My WoW Emu Fun Server i went online and had a play on there on my NORMAL char....but my norm. char had very high dps gm armour and weapons....
My hp was around umm 99999999 lol meh..... anywayz as u can tell i went on a rampage killing everyone in my path...... i killed 100+ people and lol i killed one particular person around 30+ times.......

Funniest thing was.... actually 2 funny things, they faught back in a mob of around 20+ and lol the best bit was that i recorded it...... unfortunatily that file is 2gb worth of video lol (damm Fraps)
fitzy u have those video files if u do listen up.

goto windows movie maker and make ur video thro that. then save the video and upload to youtube

wmm will make it liek 20 to 50 megs depending on length. and youtube makes it smaller

also this is for anyone else who needs this help XD

p.s. i wanna see fitzy on a drunken rage path on wow lol
im pretty sure he has learnt his lesson..
good advise from trashman..

but im not making many statements..
he went off on a tangent...
and he regrets it..
and i regret the impact it has had...
i still would like ppl to help us support the wow community..
and thats our main aim here..
not making friends or enemies..
but helping and supporting the wow private server community..
becuase it is one of the most unique and emense networks..
for any game ever made.. and if we all work 2wards a common goal..
what is stopping us...?
Ow and DJ not ment to be ruth but it is not allowed to link in sigs as well just warn you so you wont get banned .

I know i was harsh to some people but this crab must stop and if the mods dont wane stop it maybee it is time for me to switch to some other comunety or even made myself an new one i geting agravated evry time i come in here and in any server dev forum by the way . The board needs serous cleaning to be done lots of guides and links are so dead that they need to be deleted . i would recomend that any topic older than 1 year will be deleted and evry post that dint have an post in 30 days on auto pruning that would keep this an lot cleaner .

Sorry if im harsh to anyone but lets be honnest we all know what i mean it is geting out of hand now .
@tr4shma4n: I assume you are refering to this rule:
8. Advertising other forums is not permitted. This includes your signature or graphics.

Thing is, we are NOT advertising our forum merely by placing a WoWps Forum Admin userbar in our signature... So, it'c completely allowed... :P
You are when that bar is klickble link to the forums ;) Hey i dont care its not my place here i just wanted to warn you bout it nothing more then that .

If this was my forums you would never had the need to go somwhere else becose i would clean it up . Just go to the last page of this there are 3 year old posts that has no use at all anymore ; )

Ok enove of it else we will run in endles discusions that either can win becose my opinion bout it is difrend than other ones . You know what i mean ;)
lol, we've all been saying that this forum needs to be cleaned, but nobody listens... -_- Anyways, about the hyperlinked userbar, I'll leave it as it is for now, and if I get informed by a mod/admin that it needs to be changed, then I'll do it :P
Well whats done is done, he's made an public apology, no matter what people think of what he did, he was good enough to come and say sorry to everyone for it, "all be it he should of known admins can monitor ip's from users.. /slap".

But I can't see anyone being in a rush todo this osrt of thing on Ragezone again, so lets just leave things at that. No point in dragging this on any longer, this thread needs closed.