Singles - Flirt up your Life (18 only)

MentaL's Girlfriend
Feb 24, 2003
Reaction score
Inside your PC
Hehe, you all played sims, and its expansions and when it was time to sleep... there was no sex0r... which dissapointed Cap, Nik-Cexy, DTB and others... well my raged friends... have no ph33r sipher is h3r3 :D, Singles is the only game which is 3D like sims 2, and allows your to actually have sex in the GAME, and do other kinky stuff, for example while the woman is doin the dishes, you tap her bummeh, and you get it on :D, you can actually SEE the reality right in front of you the graphics are 11/10 :D

btw, you shud be carefull with the game :D its to realistic...
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Im going to have to try the trail hour offer hehe... Graphics are pretty damn good, extreme realism!. :eat_arrow
me havin sex0r :D btw you can do ANY position you like... I chose... lets call it on top hahaha
you buy it... no warez allowed, this game is fukin awesome, I just had a party last nite with friends and ordered pizza then all of us watched a horror movie, now you might think they all sit PERFECTLY well your wrong, in a sofa virtual peeps can sit and squeeze each other in, for example if watchin a movie they can sit at the edge and some lean on the sofa by sitting on the floor :D
Sipher said:
your graphic card is shit tbh, my graphics are 11/10
the graphics are not 11/10 they are more likely 8/10.
(ati radeon 9600xt 256mb :tp: )
lol.. when it comes ot sex.. its never boring for sipher :)
Sorry for ripping you up sipher :D