Sipher, Not Getting @ You, But Don't Be Homophobic....

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once i read some where that some kid became gay because since he was little his class m8 messed about him being gay XD
world was made for a female and a male... not male male and female female... y cant the world be straight... ffs just the other day i was driving with a m8 and a gay winked at me i got of car and chansed him he knew i was gonna kill him he ran ...bastards.... i dont care if i go court at least im the only 1 that admits i hate gays and final i aint changing :D ... i reallt have a huge hatred on gays... seriously...
hating gays doesnt mean ur mentally ill m8, others might hate spiders, dogs that doesnt mean theyre mentally ill, its just that sumffin i dont like
Sipher said:
hating gays doesnt mean ur mentally ill m8, others might hate spiders, dogs that doesnt mean theyre mentally ill, its just that sumffin i dont like

Gayness Is A Mental Disorder, It's Proven.

No Need To Hate People.

It's Like Me Saying I Hate Black People, I Have No Reason To Hate Them Nor Do They Deserved To Be Hated On.

(I Don't Have A Problem With Black People BTW, My Cousins And Aunty Is Black, So I For One Know They Are The Same As You Or I)

Stop The Fucking Gay Hating On The Forum
in the end it comes down 2 the indivivual and every 1 has differences. thb gays dont bother me. as long as they dont try 2 come on to me AGAIN :(

other ppl will be diffferent to me

in the end they made of the same stuff as u and have feelings.
how would u like it if some 1 hated u coz u wore a yellow t-shirt or summit.
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dtb, thats the last time u ever disciminate color, im not joking, we were talking about gays dont get color involved m8 now u pissed me off! WE ARE ALL THE SAME! except gays and lesbians! ffs!

not spreading hate? well u can say that to other members posting threads about me so there u go
Sipher said:
dtb, thats the last time u ever disciminate color, im not joking, we were talking about gays dont get color involved m8 now u pissed me off! WE ARE ALL THE SAME! except gays and lesbians! ffs!

not spreading hate? well u can say that to other members posting threads about me so there u go

Where Did I Discriminate Race?
I Used It As A Fucking Example.


Fucking Get It Into Your Thick Neandathal Fucking Skull You Spanner.
i did mention above im not disciminating color and im not gonna compare color with mentally fucked up in the fucking brain gay ppl ok? enuff now
for fuk sake ther normal ppl just dont think about the part of swallowing cock and taking it from behind and that for sum reason they speak and act funy and are cleaner than most men ,apart from that ther normal ppl.
how bout this


topic closed!
Sipher said:
i did mention above im not disciminating color and im not gonna compare color with mentally fucked up in the fucking brain gay ppl ok? enuff now

No It Isnt' Enuff, Stop The Fucking Gay Hating On The Forum Pillock, We Don't Need It, It's Uneccessary And It Insults Me Because I Have 3 Very Good Gay Friends.
Sipher how far have u got ur toung up mentals ass....u copy everything he says u his side kick or somhing??

Stop wiv the hating gays its uncalled for wot if i said i woz gay i would b offened...its not nice...

Btw sorry tonto i aint gay :good:
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