smilie story :P

Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester UK
ok heres what ya got to do

1) Do a load of Random smilies and tell a story about them example

:elephant: :rant: :cool: :love: :v:

Sic went on a rant cause MD called him gay because he tried to lick him :P

story can be long short or what ever u must reply to the above posters Smilies first then do ur own

:cool: :cry: :hail: :good:

think of a story for that then do ur own :p
Steely veiwed a thread:heyhey: it was asking him to tell a story:ehwatever then he realised:eek: this is a cool thread:cool: but i still recon it deserves a :spam1: stamped on it
One Day MD :pimpin: was drinkin lots of :beer: and started 2 :rollover: on the grass, so I :cool: came over and robbed his :beer: then he went :shmacko: so we :beerpals: 2gether. After that we :beerpals: 2gether then :beerpals: 2gether then I was :puke1:
mario then came along and :rolleyes: ....
he saw all you newbies and :tp:
but he thinks most of you are :cool:
he then :hail: himself
but darknightr was like all :confused:
then don like :deathfart:
then we're all like :shocked
then we start to say :dieplease
have a quick :beer:
then start :dog: <----- running
we pass a :moo: on the way
it poops and we all go :biglol:
then we continue :dog:
and then we see Don so we like er

Don :blazing:
then MasterD woke up :ehwatever and said

:spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2: :spam1: :spam2:
James:pimp:Steel was bouncin down the street:bouncey:then he was a ravid dog :dog: so then he pulled out his pet monkey:monkey: then he didnt kno y he pulled out a pet monkey:confused: as the dog got closer:dog: he tryed to jump a wall :wall: y was the wall made out of glass no body knos:biggun: so then he pulled out a big gun and shot it dead but then its dad came round the corner and he looked pissed :elephant: but luckly a alien :alien: obducted me jus in time and anal probed me mmmmmmm yummy :drool:
BLaCK_DEaTH said:
James:pimp:Steel was bouncin down the street:bouncey:then he was a ravid dog :dog: so then he pulled out his pet monkey:monkey: then he didnt kno y he pulled out a pet monkey:confused: as the dog got closer:dog: he tryed to jump a wall :wall: y was the wall made out of glass no body knos:biggun: so then he pulled out a big gun and shot it dead but then its dad came round the corner and he looked pissed :elephant: but luckly a alien :alien: obducted me jus in time and anal probed me mmmmmmm yummy :drool:
jarule who is called aaron in r/l laughed at this post:lol:
i was just happily listening to my music:music:when the terminator:borg: came blasting through my wall:hitwall: with a big fuk off gun:biggun: so i tryed to run away but only to find out im stood on a tredmill:tredmil: and actually going no were so then my pet:dog: comes running in and pokes him in the eye:poke: with a shitty stick. now he cant see me coz his laser eyes are blocked.
so then i turn around to the :borg: terminator and pull out a big flame thrower:fire: and tries to melt this big metal m0f0. never the less i failed in to killin him so i ran through the door and ended up in my mam and dads bed room:love: and the terminator :borg: followed me then we both see my mum and das having sex:eeeep: the termiontaor starts to tremble @ such a sight and then short curcuits and explodes:xplod: so i return back to my room as if nothing has happened and crank up the tunes:music: whilst listening to the song shakin that @ss:shakeass:.
then darknightr came along and said :fuckjoo: to all of u cuz he way :cool: then u all