sod ---

I'm baffled how you call someone an idiot WHILE misspelling the word, none the less calling them stupid for the same kind of questions you were asking....last week? If all your gonna do is call people "idot's" (Mmmmm reminds me of the iHOP, I could go for some pancakes....) then why not just get back to working on your own server.
Is this kid like 9? Why do you even try , I've seen people with down syndrome that could come back with better insults.

Moving on to things that matter, theres 2 - 3 topics within the first 2 pages of this forum that explain how to enable the SoD crown.
Hell's more and more I see your post, the more more and I believe you are actually your little brother(for once I agree with bbchamps,) you have no structure, you have no concept, and you have no tolerance. It kind of reminds me of me :)... when I was 9!!

SOD can also have these effects when configured wrong. Although this topic has been resolved by the user, I am guessing other people who read this would need assistance. If configured wrong, SOD would not start, or it would crash in the middle of it. Re-check your monster configurations for one, this is possibly the number one reason it crashes pr wpuld not start. Also somewhere on this forum is a tool to help you properly adjust your SOD so that it does not crash.
Damn internet explorer!!!

Well to make use of this double post, The SOD tool was posted by X I believe. It is efficiant in creating your SOD monster right, without crashing. Using the standard SOd, your server will probably crash.