solution to fix death bug and more

Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
no mans land

ok i spent 5 hrs on this bug i found the real srouce this bug can be preformed on all server. just it skips a step on mine.

here go

step 1 = die any way u think
step 2 = while ur in ghost form relog
when u come back the "curse" aka ghost spell is gone. best way to see this is look next to ur mini map for the ghost icon

and if u sit there long enough in the bugged ghost itll start causing dcs.

my opinion on this. is that when u log out itll remove all curses.

thats teh full bug and its very simple to pull. if u dont belive pm me ur server info and ill show u on ur server. also this can crash a server or make everyone dc.

also i had 5 ppl try this bug else where. and they did it

distol i dont have a single thing installed on my comp

the way it happens on my server im still offed about. cuz when i use is does what i listed up there. when i use it just auto dcs u when u die and prefroms this bug auto

XD XD XD i so happy now cuz i can make any server make all players dc lol. that was what 5 to 7 hrs of hard core searching. i even had my buddies do it to there servers. what causes this i dunno thats for u guys to find out cuz if i knew i would fix in a heart beat

if need ill make another video of abusing it on ppls servers XD. so u guys can see how to do this. let me know if u need

also this minor can be explioted into a major one fairly ez now cuz i released how to do it. so if u dont patch it ull have ppl dcing ur servers. so its in ur hands now. i did my work.

hehe i wonder if i can pull this of on the new tbc mangos too XD evil grins
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There is NO difference in the 1.12.2 DBCs to the 1.12.1 DBCs. If you had actually read the damn patch notes, you'd see that the only thing that gets fixed in 1.12.2 is something for the SPANISH client, r-tard... Anyways, just REALLY had to say that... Only reason I bothered posting. ^_^

Oh, and the DBCs isn't what's causing your "death bug", it's just you. Try doing some research into DBCs before you say shit.
i spent over 5 hrs on this so dont say shit about me do my research on before i talk. and u cant even read. and u talk shit to me

and there is a huge dif in the patches. why do u think theres 2 dif ones for enus and engb. u need to do ur own reaserch idiot

and mangos isnt based in usa. is based in europe. and ppl in usa dont have europe wow. go back to ur leeched forum.

and that dam fix, fixes the res/death bug that was in 1.12.1 engb. and mangos read that. the dbc i have for mangos that it only read r in spanish.
Ok enough guys say what u want but don't start flaming on each other. First of all resinate, if u haven't noticed.
Yamachi is a wow dev. as the profile says, so don't say He don't know what he is talking about. And Yamachi don't start flaming o.o.
ive worked with the wow emus since the day they came out. and i did it all 1 man team. with no help. and that was way back in oct of 2005 was when i started i doubt he started 6 months ago.

and i had to fight over my work i made on wow emu. cuz some noob hacked my comp and stole my files and told everyone they were his.

also i find it so fcking funny how ppl say its my wow. when all my friends had this bug too. if everyone on my server has it that means the servers that was released r bad
ive worked with the wow emus since the day they came out. and i did it all 1 man team. with no help. and that was way back in oct of 2005 was when i started i doubt he started 6 months ago.

and i had to fight over my work i made on wow emu. cuz some noob hacked my comp and stole my files and told everyone they were his.

also i find it so fcking funny how ppl say its my wow. when all my friends had this bug too. if everyone on my server has it that means the servers that was released r bad


Im not going to start flamming you, as I just don't care anymore..
Just please don't bother saying that these bugs exsist over all mangos, when it's a fact that they don't.

You only going to get negitive feed back from other people on these forums.
Oh yeah? So if he's a dev, did he released anything yet?
lol, yes I have, waxman. And, just because you're a dev, doesn't mean you have to release stuff. But, anyways, I have, so don't doubt me. You don't know, but I have my own site where we work on both MaNGOS and Kobold, but most people here won't see it. I'm not saying that the files won't be released (hell, I've given out my repack to a couple of people. Ask iNViSiGOD), but you just won't get to see the web. Anyways, your post was completely pointless, so try not to spam.
ive worked with the wow emus since the day they came out. and i did it all 1 man team. with no help. and that was way back in oct of 2005 was when i started i doubt he started 6 months ago.

and i had to fight over my work i made on wow emu. cuz some noob hacked my comp and stole my files and told everyone they were his.

also i find it so fcking funny how ppl say its my wow. when all my friends had this bug too. if everyone on my server has it that means the servers that was released r bad

i dont want to start anything here...
but if you've you been in the wow dev game for that long..
why is it taking you so long to work out ur server problem..?
and it is only on your server.. so dont accuse the emu of being bad...
cause i vaguely remeber u saying that u gave that same server to a mate to test...
and u said he didnt have that bug.. so. um... its just you..
i've only been in the game for about a year now...
in my opinion... all you have succedded in doing..
is clearly demonstrate a lack of patience and intelegence..
so.. i'll leave it at that...
uhhh.. then who the fuck you talking to, prick? WE'RE ALL FROM THE SAME FORUM!!! FUCKING SPAZ!! Honestly, I have never seen ANYTHING remotely intelligent come out of your mouth... -_-
uhhh.. then who the fuck you talking to, prick? WE'RE ALL FROM THE SAME FORUM!!! FUCKING SPAZ!! Honestly, I have never seen ANYTHING remotely intelligent come out of your mouth... -_-

Yamachi, don't bother getting anoyed, thats whats he wants.
Just ignore him, and let the other people see how immature he is.
ive acted this on purpose the reason why. i submitted a bug and what did u three do instead of helping u flamed me right off the bat. and that wass like 1 week ago. i come outta no where and say something and u guys did that what did u guys expect. u wanted the detailed errors i gave then u flamed me calling me noob. nothing more u did