[Solved] Stuck "loading the battle list" after selecting a location on the map

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
[Solved] Stuck "loading the battle list" after selecting a location on the map

Trying to launch a boat gets stuck on "loading the battle list" after selecting a location on the map.
After a short while, a disconnection will occur, and the account will get a "captcha" punishment that disables some features for a while.

Reproduced this problem on two characters.
Seems to happen consistently after reaching level 85-90 and beating White Tyrant's Challenge quest once.
After beating that quest, was no longer able to load battle list or retry from within that quest.
Strangely, the problem did not occur when doing earlier Hoarfrost or Perilous Ruins quests/battles.

Edit: Wasted two days fiddling around, corrupting and repairing my database over and over.
I seem to be able to consistently fix the issue by changing "TodayPlayTime" to 0 in CharacterInfo.
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