• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Some questions from the new guy in town ;) L2J 

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Jul 6, 2004
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First of all Hi to everyone since im new here! Just came across this forum and i find it amazing! First the theme is pretty cool, thumbs up for the webdesigner, and secondly i find there are Lineage 2 Servers beeing developed :0 I loved this game when i played it in the beta and this is surelly wonderfull news! Anyway heres what i want to know!

After finding this i searched abit on this issue and theres one thing i havent understood for sure! Is there only one private server beeing developed and improved or is there more then one?

Second question is, is it really required the Korean version of the game or the North American one is ok? Couse i still have that one on my HD :P

Third is whats the status on these servers? I noticed ppl claiming lvlup not working on some servers, another guys say they got it fixed, etc... Is the server open source so ppl can fix things themselfs?

Forth and last :p, i'm a programmer my self and i can learn things fast so i wanna know if its possible for me to get hold of the source and some websites with information on this issue so i can actually improve the servers and possible add new features, i just like this game so much that i might spend all this summer vacations working in this :p
I think at the moment there's just one set of server files that are being developed, but I'm not too sure to be perfectly honest as I've not looked into other server files.

As for the client... the server files everyone is using are being targetted at the Korean client, as (with most MMORPGS) the Korean client is the most advanced one at the moment, although I've found the North American client works fine and it's the only one I use :)

The current server files are only at 0.2, so they're pretty buggy and limited, in around 2 months time or something they should be pretty good though. So far some NPC's are working in the Light Elf town (unsure of name), you can kill and gain exp/money/etc, but some enemys don't give any exp or money and some end up disapearing behind you. So it's pretty basic... and it's not too stable either... infact I can't say I've ever finished a session playing it because I wanted to, normally it's because of a crash lol

Check out if you're after developing or anything :), just don't post your version or you'll be banned from the forum I think.
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Thanks for the fast replys!

I knew the server would be buggy since this is all a new deal but still a pretty good job i must say! And those crashes you talked about KuroKami, are they client side or server side?
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They are client, what the hell are you talking about! The server doesn't crash when a charachter does, its all client side.

Unless you are talking about what triggers it...
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lol, well I meant that it's a problem server side that causes the client to crash, sorry for any confusion :eat_arrow
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