[Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Acrisio SuperSS recently made his source available to continue his work done for years, I hope they help everyone and continue the development by not stopping here!
We credit him all.

Congratulations Acrisio and thank you for your contribution!


Compiler Visual Studio 2017:

SQL Server 2017:

SQL Server Management Studio:
You can use MSSQL 2017

follow the customer's credit: Luizinrc
outubro - [Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS - RaGEZONE Forums

outubro - [Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS - RaGEZONE Forums

outubro - [Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS - RaGEZONE Forums


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Hello, thank you very much for the contribution, could you help me to follow step by step how to create my version of pangya JP and tell me how to download these

Compiler Visual Studio 2017: blob: https: //visualstudio.microsoft....7-7e26f2cea1ab

Acrisio SuperSS recently made his source available to continue his work done for years, I hope they help everyone and continue the development by not stopping here!
We credit him all.

Congratulations Acrisio and thank you for your contribution!


Compiler Visual Studio 2017:

SQL Server 2017:

SQL Server Management Studio:
You can use MSSQL 2017

follow the customer's credit: Luizinrc
outubro - [Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS - RaGEZONE Forums

outubro - [Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS - RaGEZONE Forums

outubro - [Source Code] Acrisio SuperSS - RaGEZONE Forums


Are you interested in continuing this project?

I'm feeling... let's say a little nostalgic about this.

Let me know if we can work on something together :lol:
Sorry, I have ran sql script, show error, can't found pangya.mdf and pangya_log.ldf files and run server lib folder' s files in Visual Studio 2022 ,
will show error "error C2338: static_assert failed: 'Windows headers require the default packing option. Changing this can lead to memory corruption. This diagnostic can be disabled by building with WINDOWS_IGNORE_PACKING_MISMATCH defined.'
1>exec_query.cpp" .
I don't know why not success.

WebServer URL is shown error , file is remove by mediafire , can you upload again?
Could you help me check my step?

My step:
1. download Source
2. download Pangya_JP client v983
3. download VS
4. download SQL Server
5. download MSSQL
6. WebServer can't download
7. Release can't download
8. open MSSQL
9. run script in MSSQL -> success
10 creat database table but not found data sql file do import
11. web server use Servers Files -> S8 Server ->RELEASE SRV2 (inclue SQL and server @Pangya Server Launcher )
12. step10 run success ( connect localhost : port can show register account website)

13. run source Server Lib in VS ->"error C2338: static_assert failed: 'Windows headers require the default packing option. Changing this can lead to memory corruption. This diagnostic can be disabled by building with WINDOWS_IGNORE_PACKING_MISMATCH defined.'

14. open ProjectG in JP client , will show string load failed.
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Could you retrieve the ProjectG, WebServer and Realese Build link?
Could you retrieve the ProjectG, WebServer and Realese Build link?
To open the game use Rugburn:
Updated compiled server link.
Rugburn compiled attached to topic
Hello everyone, sorry for reviving an old topic.

Can anyone point me in the direction where I could learn to make a private server work for a small group of people (say, me and 5 or less friends)?
I don't know enough to set up something for others to play, only me in my own pc.

Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone, sorry for reviving an old topic.

Can anyone point me in the direction where I could learn to make a private server work for a small group of people (say, me and 5 or less friends)?
I don't know enough to set up something for others to play, only me in my own pc.

Thanks in advance!
If it is a VPS, just configure the server with the VPS IP. If you are going to use it on your PC for others, you will have to use software like Hamachi to be able to connect to your PC.