source dmo 487 more tools and client Source 


How can I convert .xml files to .bin files?

I want to convert digimon.xml file to digimon.bin
how i configure launcher? I open quicklaucher and send me error: execute DMLAUNCHER

when iwhen I compile the auth server, the error appears: terminating because of unhandled exception. how do i tidy?

dark90 - source dmo 487 more tools and client - RaGEZONE Forums

how to fix?
you are not following the steps, there are some videos above that explain that you are not even using the SQL server that they show in the videos xD, in any case this source is not completely finished nor does it have a good percentage of process, it is practically at the beginning xd
This is a leaked source of DSO From its early beginnings , I see the one who stole it can't do anything since he came just to share here and was unsuccessful, people don't usually just want to play and try but There are not many people who like to develop Digimon so I invite you to follow DSO since they are giving good results
487 Can you provide the client again the link is dead

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DMManager is simply their official server administration tool, it is really no use.
The client source code is missing all its componentes to be buildable (common, nlib and so on) so overall it can only be used as a reference (which I expected to see leaking of that client source code earlier).
The server emu is based from the very old 2014 yggdrasil emulator modded to work with that version of the client so the way to go with this is that.
Remember to have backups, multiple backups and archives, there have been already a case where the files were lost, let's not aim to repeat that that

I hope that it becomes open sourse and allow an offline/single player version which can be updated for those less fortunate who live in areas where they're data capped at around 50kb/s or less for some reason or another

Also, please keep a low profile, it would be very bad if gameking or worse Bandai Namco would catch even a sniff of this and skip the DMCA to just sue anyone involved
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