Spider-Man 3 NBC Preview

Loyal Member
Jan 6, 2005
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Idk I'm lost
Go here before tomorrow at 9pm and watch a preview of spider-man 3. I'm 'trying' to load it but its takign forever or just isnt loading.

Spider-Man 3 HD on NBC: 24 Hours Only

its a new one, took a pic of venom and posted it on one of my posts, look down to see it.
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It better be new one, I've seen every single one released but this one. Unless its just a copy of the others. My fav one was the one with a clip of venom in it.
Venom should be WAY more buff and a lot more freakish looking. All it is in the movie is a black spidey costume. You'd think they could come up with something a bit more creative? I can already tell that this movie is going to be a complete let down.
I've already did my rant of complaining about venom. Main reason I'm like "omg omg omg" over this one is because of venom and yet their not making him... him... From what I've seen so far and hear about what the director is trying to create is just a copy of spider-man but with a mouth and different eyes. And from what I see the toys and stuff thats true. No big white spider, no muscle, no ... venom.... *cries*

Can someone tell me if this is the same old preview as always just in "HD"...
If I remember correct Venom is the Alien who comes to Earth and tries to take over the most powerful man on the planet and it goes for spidy..!
This movie is all about that I guess..!!

The Venom you are talking about is when the Alien fails to control Spidy and goes after his friend..!! That Venom is more freaky and deadly as you said..!!
Haha thats wrong but there are so many different versions. The main one is when spider-mans outfit is messed up and he is on a planet with alot of other super-heroes and the smart guy in the fantastic 4 finds this stuff and blah blah blah he gets the suit. The other one most of us know is the newspapper man's son comes back from space crashing into a bridge and spider-man gets the stuff on him after the rhino messes with him. (To much to go into detail).

Well here is a link to text of what some lucky bastards got to see. IGN: WonderCon 07: Venom Revealed!
Thats the edited version for TV I think. I for one am not 100% sure but most dorks say that the secret wars was the first time the suit was shown. And yes he was considered a alien thing from outerspace but he didnt come to find the strongest. The symbiote is a race that needs something to live off of or it will die. So basicly it would take anything I guess.
I dont know alot about spider-man because he SUCKS I know venom though :P well I think i do >.>

that video wont load for me >.<
Finally is downloading. Waiting for it to finish to finish my post haha.

Its a new clip but when I'm playing it, it skips alot and is off track....

EDIT: Finally finished it. Here is what is happening. He is going to marry MJ (duh) and then while riding his moped the new goblin attacks him and they fight for like a minute. Then they show random clips and then BAM new update venom graphics. Here is the best pic I could get of Venom, the movie lags for me and is never in sync.

cameronmd - Spider-Man 3 NBC Preview - RaGEZONE Forums