Spring Break

I'll take you all on.
Loyal Member
1000 Posts Trophy Point Collector 20 Happy Years
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Sector 7
woooohooooooo, Spring Break. That means no class start today till next week(9days no class)

hahaha so wat you planning this spring break?

Im going to a party for the whole week :P
Drink, snowboard, and other things I shouldn't do lol esp heading down a mountain at about 45 mph ^_^

Teehee I can't wait! My plane leaves on Sunday hurray!
Spring break starts in about two weeks here as well. I'll probably just sit at home and look at my sexy physique in the mirror.
I think ill play RTCWN: Enemy Territory, Unreal Tournament 2004, or TES: Oblivion.
I'm searching for a game to play. Maybe even try out another WoW server. Or Lineage 2. I have some matches to play in Wolfenstein: ET.
Probably going out with some friends, going to watch "300" for sure.
Spring break starts Friday, it will a week of alcohol induced awesomeness.

hehe i like ur style ;)

no breaks here other than at the end of my course, but i only have class on thursday and friday and 1/2 of wednesday, so i'm free most of the week anyway :P