Sprite Sig

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Jul 23, 2005
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magic mushroom land
.YourName - Sprite Sig - RaGEZONE Forums

rate/CnC :)

no tutorials, all made by me :D
it looks pretty well dont to me... but truthfully it looks like a little bit of filter/ripple then a c4d a few times and then blending. but overall nice outcome
haven't seen a sprite sig in a while. anyway, i'm not really liking it. it jsut doesn't seem to blend together right. theres also the fact that i hate this new trend with the ripples or whatever the hell its called.

i made this about a year ago, i just turned on my laptop i havent used in a long time, i dont even remember how i made it

and its more than just a couple ffects, its about 30 layers ;)

ok, it wasnt quite a year :P

this is from the document properties:

Created: Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 10:54:22 PM

so as you can see, it was before this "trend" :P
lol you still use tuts?
the sig is nice even though I guess you could do better and try useing another font besides the default ones
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