SQL problem.

Lol. Well when your working with SQL you can only connect with LocalHost. Or or lan ip. <<I Think>> But if you you want someone to connect with you. you must have remote help on when you configure your sql server. Other wise your then only one that can edit it. And connect to it.
First, no one other than you SHOULD be able to connect to the sql server. You can have it firewalled and MaNGOS will still run perfectly. So you are debugging the wrong problem. As long as MaNGOS can connect to your SQL server, which should be running on the localhost anyway, people can connect if you have configured the realm database properly. If no one can connect either your DB is improperly configured, your giving the wrong IP out, your firewalled, or you havn't forwarded your ports to your router. Lastly, you COULD have a version of server that will not allow incoming connections.
......read more

and what anubizthot meant by read more is, this question has been answered PLEANTY of times...

What he should have said is USE THE SEARCH FEATURE!!! It's there for exactly these kind of questions. This forum alone has over 400 pages of crap dating back to 2004. I'm sure you can't think you would have been the first to ask this question.
I did search, I didn't find anything useful. And no, I'm not saying there's nothing useful and that I searched hard enough, I'm just saying I DID search and nothing I found was useful. Anyway, I guess my real problem was not knowing where to change the IPs exactly. From my experience with servers on other games you always had to change IPs in the database, The server configs, And clientside. I guess it's just clientside and database in this situation. And I found a topic with exactly what I needed just a few minutes ago, And it's working fine. Thanks for the help again.