Staging theory?

Newbie Spellweaver
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
As far as I can see, it's random. By slapping exp on sunsets as fast as I can, I got to stage 3 on a bunch of items. By upgrading 2 or 4 times a day I got to stage 3 on a bunch too, and it didn't look like I was having better items.

So anyone who can mess with processes, any chance you can tell us if it's just luck or what the staging is based on?

Same for breaking, I didn't manage to figure out safer ways to level it. Uni is not safer as far as I tried, and items don't stage less on uni than they do on other maps.
yeah i don't see a pattern anywhere. But i found a way that seems to stop breaking, its worked alot of times a failed few, try it out. Have a sunset at say level 39, and its a stage 3 or something good, and then you have some crappy level 39 with no stage, try to upgrade the crappy one, and if it fails put in the other one, and it dosent seem to break. try er out

oh and other thing some1se, is there anyway to take items off a character from the db or enterprise or anything? because i was messing around and made a ring with like 300 spirit and i can wear it but it wont come off, i cant drop it either. =/ help please
look in tblspecialitem1 and delete the tuple regarding the item ur talking about. Ur item must be easy to find, cuz of the 300 spirit. (spirit is 3th column from right I believe)
I'll try that Aphex, it is consistent with some stuff I heard from people on Diosa, but I misunderstood their words.

I copied all the rows from SpecialItemGrowthLog where an item staged to a txt and looked at it to discover a pattern till my brain went all mushy, but not luck. I don't understand why the experience column is in the log table though, so if there is a pattern it might have to do with the experience figures listed there.
Usually when the company who coded the game officially releases a statement saying its random...its random. There is such things as random number generators, and they prolly just spliced one into the code.

So many people search for a "pattern", why waste time? Go approximate 22/7 in a number.
I have not seen an official statement, but I always suspected the staging theories were crap, so I'm just looking for unofficial proof that they are. This is the only procedure I can see that has to do with upgrading sunsets. I only know about SQL what I learnt in the past few weeks by trying to set up a local server, and my programming knowledge is all but nonexisting, so I don't have a clue where it's getting values for @nextitemindex, @nextattackgrade etc.

@GameID varchar(14),
@WindowKind int,
@WindowIndex int,
@ItemKind int,
@ItemIndex int,
@AttackGrade int,
@StrengthGrade int,
@SpiritGrade int,
@DexterityGrade int,
@PowerGrade int,
@NextItemKind int,
@NextItemIndex int,
@NextAttackGrade int,
@NextStrengthGrade int,
@NextSpiritGrade int,
@NextDexterityGrade int,
@NextPowerGrade int

set nocount on

begin transaction
SET @ItemID= 0

SELECT TOP 1 @ItemID=ID FROM tblSpecialItem1 WHERE GameID=@GameID AND WindowKind=@WindowKind AND WindowIndex=@WindowIndex AND
ItemKind=@ItemKind AND ItemIndex=@ItemIndex AND AttackGrade=@AttackGrade AND StrengthGrade=@StrengthGrade AND SpiritGrade=@SpiritGrade AND DexterityGrade=@DexterityGrade AND PowerGrade=@PowerGrade AND Position=1

IF @ItemID > 0
UPDATE tblSpecialItem1 SET ItemKind=@NextItemKind,ItemIndex=@NextItemIndex,AttackGrade=@NextAttackGrade,StrengthGrade=@NextStrengthGrade,SpiritGrade=@NextSpiritGrade,DexterityGrade=@NextDexterityGrade, PowerGrade=@NextPowerGrade WHERE ID=@ItemID

commit transaction
Well from what i Have upgraded here is what i have learned. Certain maps stage certain items better : example : For a destruction start in map # 154 and level it u till it stages to stage 1 then go refill your exp bar and goto map # 161 until it stages go refill exp bar then got to map # 168 any thing after s3 seems to be pure luck is all i can say.Only items i have really tested i have the places to upgrade for.
Destruction: antau-till stage 1
Bau-till s2
Cyrn-till s3
Manus: Dyaus-till s1
Bau-till s2
Antau-till s3
Majestic Ring- Dyaus-till s1
Bau-till s2
Cyrn-till s3
Nauthiz Boots- Cyrn-till s1
Bau-till s2
Dyaus till s3
Suave-dyaus till s1
Bau till s2
Cyrn till s3
Will post more as I Upgrade.
Upgrades... Love em hehe. My experiances-

I got an augmented plate at lvl 8 from uni,
I have gotten over 13 enhanced manus blades below lvl 20 from uni,
Using those enhanced blades, I got 6 aug from Anatu,
I was only able to get upgraded stuff for all other items usin uni.