Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 30, 2010
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thanks your share sir

i try enemy spawn around 50-60%

i look folder map for enemy.dat 9 folder empty enemy.dat, how to create this ? copy paster enemy.dat diferent folder and edit ?

this picture I don't understand why the Lippo is out of place there, I tried to duplicate it with Lippo Forest
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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some maps only have NPC.dat but enemy.dat, so that map will not spawn enemy.
Like Map40 Newbie born point, it should not spawn enemy, so in Map40 enemy.dat is not needed.
other maps like train station also.

if you want to create a enemy.dat, then you need to figure out the format of enemy.dat, figure out the meaning of each byte in hexedit, then you will know how to do.
Copy a enemy.dat from other maps can workable, but enemy will not show up on position where you expect.

About the Lippo, i guess you are asking why ice-Blue Lippo spawn in cave but not spawn in the Forest.
This needs to start from the history of this game.

Stargate Online (Version one) launched at August 7th 2003 in Hong Kong, and ended at the end of 2005.
Stargate Online (Version two) beta test start at April 2004 in Hong Kong, and ended at the end of 2012.

Version one -> V_1
Version two -> V_2

V_1 is operated in Hong Kong only, any other country are Operated the V_2.
And the server side on internet is not V_1 or V_2, it is the version was V_2 in development with some data of V_1.

My first server is running in V_1 map and enemy setting, in V_1 setting ice-Blue Lippo is spawn in Map14.
So it is my mistake to put V_1 setting enemy.dat to Map14 in the zip i uploaded, there may other maps also.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 30, 2010
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Thank you for the advice and enlightenment

I ask for advice better for this where I start from?

that I've done

Starting server => okay
Server settings like drop & exp = okay
Translate quest & talk => 60%
Edite NPC.dat => not done yet
Edit enime.dat => I did a little work
edit shop => okey

relates to edite enemy.dat I want to ask this image

I already understand how to change the enemy.dat name , quantity, and level but I can't change the character of the enemy yet.

Map 13
Before name enemy: bokie code 01 change 16 water pakgu
Before Character 09 (bokie) change 0B (Gulie)
where water Pakgu ???

Done I Got Water Pakgu, i dont see on map any file enemy table
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 8, 2016
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Doarmon can u help

What did I do wrong here only get syntax error

--Exp1_Killer.txt#include "CommTeam.txt"function start() if GetData("Level")==9 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember,"ExpAcc",8) ModifyData("ExpAcc",8) elseif GetData("Level")==8 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember,"ExpAcc",40) ModifyData("ExpAcc",40) elseif GetData("Level")==7 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc",40) ModifyData("ExpAcc",40) elseif GetData("Level")==6 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc",40) ModifyData("ExpAcc",40) elseif GetData("Level")==5 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc",40) ModifyData("ExpAcc",40) elseif GetData("Level")==4 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc",64) ModifyData("ExpAcc",64) elseif GetData("Level")==3 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc,64") ModifyData("ExpAcc",64) elseif GetData("Level")==2 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc",80) ModifyData("ExpAcc",80) elseif GetData("Level")==1 and GetData=GetTargetType(teammember) then ModifyTargetData(teammember"ExpAcc",80) ModifyData("ExpAcc",80) else ModifyData("ExpAcc",0) endend
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 30, 2010
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where you get file server like this ? you use file server vertion 2 ?

maybe you error like quest change job in my file server...cannot add " if " more that 2
just opinion
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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this is a script write by himself.


Syntax Error is mean your code have something wrong, like the following.
if 1 == 1 then
in this case the else is spelling mistakes, it will cause syntax error.

in your case, between teammember and "ExpAcc" is missing the comma , at line 10,13,16,19,22,25,28.

Here is two variable you trying to use, "GetData", "teammember".
You assign GetTargetType(teammember) to GetData, but GetData is a function, you can not assign a value to a function.
And teammember is not assign yet, that means teammember is null / nothing,so GetTargetType(teammember) is getting data from nothing.
ModifyTargetData(teammember,"ExpAcc",value) is also Adding Exp to nobody.

( (


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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 30, 2010
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where do I get the file server version 2

version 1 too many bugs:
- born player is out of place
- error chat all channels
- not all job quests are available
- many items that are not compatible with the client
- Monster spawn in some caves is missing
- StarKeeper monster cannot spawn
- can't open a shop
- I still haven't tested using skills whether there are bugs either
- Sakura City hasn't opened yet
- There are no NPC quests at SGO Indonesia
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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As i know V2 server owned by only three people, i am one of there three.
The V2 server have a lock to block players login, so the V2 server is unusable.
It has been 6 years since I got the V2 server until I can use it successfully, the other two owners probably still cannot use it.
But unfortunately i won't share it, and also no way to get it from other two owners or any where.

Those bugs you mentioned almost all are fixable.
1. In born setting you will see 3 born point, but it is not means player will born at they own city, it is random born point. The way to fix is reduces to 1 born point, then use a exit to teleport player to where you want.

2. If you talking about chat on world channels will cause the server crash, make sure you have the CDGMSys.dll in plugins folder.

3. It is caused by that quest script imperfect, you can modify that quest script manually.

4. I don't understand what is that not compatible means.

5. You can create one just like you modify on #23.

6. Which one ?

7. V1 server do not have player shop system, plugin not exists non-fixable.

8. A lot bugs in skills, but skill are all made by script, so it is fixable like you debug a program if you have some programming skill.

9. Stargate server is very flexible all game content a createable, when you have enough knowledge, including modify the following files then you can add any maps, even that maps is not exists before.
NPC.dat, enemy.dat, blocking.dat, ObjectList.bin,
For Sakura city, you can find blocking.dat from SGO-ID/Map/Map39, add Map39 in to map.cfg, add blocking.dat to Dat/Map/Map39, then make your character get in Sakura city, but NPC.dat is not exist you must create it by you self.
Then you may ask how to get those NPC data, you can find it from your memory or information on internet like gameplay video.
The most efficient way is to enter my server and take a look directly, but it can only know which NPC stand on which place.
How to get those NPC quest ? There is no way to get those files, you can write those script by yourself, fortunately server contains the script of the transfer point, you can find it by search "japan" .

10. I don't understand what you mean. if you are talking about the SGO Indonesia game folder have no NPC quests, yes, client do not contain quests.

I recently remodeled the map of the palace garden, and made the winner team on leveling event be a NPC stand on palace garden.



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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 30, 2010
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Thank you sir....

Maybe i stop this project, because I don't have time for this job.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 4, 2021
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Wooww you have the file server v2? Thats awesome Bro.
Just wondering, how you get that file.
Did you just download it because someone uploading v2 server? And why you keep that V2 server for yourself?

Thank you sir....

Maybe i stop this project, because I don't have time for this job.

Lol so much bug tho fixing ??????


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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I bought it.
I don't share it, because I bought it and it took 6 years to unblock it, although I didn't spend much time trying to unblock it in the first 5 years.
If one day I no longer work in this area, I might share it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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Even V1 server have a lot of bugs, but it still playable.
From the beginning of my research in 2012 to 2019, I have always used the V1 server.

Don't blame the server for a lot of bugs, everyone who hosts the server has spent a lot of time fixing it.
If you just want to use it for personal play, those bugs will not affect the play experience.
The more difficult thing is to add content to the game, the game content is probably only enough for players to reach about 40 levels.
You need to add new maps, new monsters, new missions to the game.
The level of the monster, the drop, these need to be designed by yourself.
Write your own task script.
The map is a bit simpler, you can find some map files in the client.

If anyone is still interested in research these, I would be happy to give you advice.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 8, 2016
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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insert Say("p1 1") Say("p1 2") Say("p1 3") between each code, then you will know which part is executed and which part not.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 4, 2021
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who blame the code?of course im still interested in researching this server, Learning Little by little.

Master Doraemon,i got list of variable for enemy but its randomize,i got this variable after open the dll files on plugins folder.i figure it out this variable where belongs to, and i found the reasonable file in enemy_data.csv can you help

CDDropItem CDEnemyColorModAngryStatusSPAntiFireAntiWater AntiEarth   AntiWind    AntiPoison  AntiUnspell AntiEnfeeble    AntiWeaken  AntiAmuse   AntiScare   AntiSlow    FireAtt WaterAtt    EarthAtt    WindAtt PoisonAtt   UnspellAtt  EnfeebleATT WeakenATT   AmuseATT    ScareATT    SlowATT PoisonLv    UnspellLV   EnfeebleLV  WeakenLV    AmuseLV ScareLV SlowLV  AttCount    AttrID  MoveMode    NormSKUseRate   UseSKIFHP   SpecSKUseRate   HPMAX   Level   HP  AP  DP  MAP MDP HR  DR  AttLen  AIType  AIAttLv RExp    RGold   RMaxDropItem    VisArea CatchItemId EnemyType   Size    NormSKID    SpecSKID    AngryIdleTimeout    GeneFlag    RebornTime  SkillAIType
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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Those are the variables in the system and have no direct relationship with Enemy_Data.csv, but you can still find some names can match in Enemy_dat.csv.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 4, 2021
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Those are the variables in the system and have no direct relationship with Enemy_Data.csv, but you can still find some names can match in Enemy_dat.csv.

ah, so thats mean the variable not just from enemy_data.csv? in all folder enemy on dat folder?

whats the mean of B C D E H in enemy_data.csv
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 5, 2021
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ah, so thats mean the variable not just from enemy_data.csv? in all folder enemy on dat folder?

whats the mean of B C D E H in enemy_data.csv
I think figuring out those variables is not very helpful for research the enemy.dat .
But if you when to figuring out those variables for fully customize a new enemy, just try to modify one value in enemy_data.csv each time, and run the server see what change on the enemy, then you may know what is that value mean.
Or you can just copy a enemy and change the name, level, outlook, etc.

Find different enemy which is B C D E H in game, you will see the different.