Stargate Online

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Experienced Elementalist
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score

Thank to penguinPoo for the archive backup​

Download SERVER FILES here:

[Reposted from ASB and PS]

How to setup the server:
1: create 3 empty DBs account, game & icq
2: use the scripts in /DBScripts on the newly created dbs
LoginMonitor\LoginMon.cfg change the ip address of the server ip
msgSrv\dat\connect.cfg : You use this to change the username and password you use to connect to the database
msgSrv\dat\game.cfg: change to id of server (need to add in db/icq/game table
RDSRV\RDSRV.cfg : change the ip address of the server ip
CDGameShell\CDGameShell.gam Change the ip of the server IP and change the Username and password to the username and password needed to connect to database
CDGameShell\map.cfg Change [MapID] section inside this file to below

4: RUN:

5: go to the official ftp (ip is in client's pserver.ini)
username: sgoftpclient
pass: S1G6O8cdeIE (thank's to Rusdyrip, you can find the pass inside SGOPatch.bin file. Use Hexeditor and search for pserver.ini, you'll see the pass below the FTP IP address)

download everything there, install a ftp server on your sgo server box, create user 'sgoftpclient' with pass 'S1G6O8cdeIE' then put the downloaded files on the root of the sgoftpclient user ftp account. keep the structure as on the official ftp.

6: change the ip in pserver.ini to the ip of your server then play launchin sgostarter, it will connect to your ftp, check the update then launch the game

7: create an account with:
insert into accinfo VALUES ('0','100001','2005-02-01 00:00:00','user','pass','1','1','0','2100-01-01 00:00:00','2','','','6','0','0',' 0','1','0','RageZone','','1','','','','1','2100-01-01 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','')

Client Download:
1. Thanks to hellkaze for the torrents
2. #1
3. #2
4. #3
5. #4
6. #5
7. #6
8. etc. (to many to mention here just use the below to see other links)

** **

How to setup the client:
Basic simple guide on How to get your SGO client to Connect to your Server

1. Install client to where ever you like.
2. Go to that directory
3. Rename client.bin to client.exe
4. Rename setting.bin to setting.exe
5. Edit the IP address in the pserver.ini to your servers IP
6. go into the Interface directory (your gonna need to edit a few files here)
7. Open list1.slt with notepad or a hexeditor and change all the IP's to your server's IP address
8. Open MsgSvr.dat with notepad or a hexeditor and edit those IP's to your servers IP (specifically your MsgServer's IP if setup for more then one server machine)
9. You can Edit News.Dat in the main SGO directory to change what Info/News it displays at the Server Select screen

[Above client guide is taken from KitsuneStarwind]

To successfully connecting the client:
1. and just patch your client but make sure that you make a backup first since it going to downgrade your existing client files.
2. After you run the patcher, you'll notice that there will be other folders created in your SGO root directory, this is fun because you can tweak the file to your needs since i couldn't found the programs to open and extract the SGOData1.dat file.
3. OK, try that first since others will explain the rest and make a more and better guide and fix for you.

I'll update this threads again, just need some time to remembered all informations i submited :P

Thank you to: randwalk, kaze, hellkaze, KitsuneStarwind, Mman, Rusdyrip from PS and ASB, Mental :thumbup:

New Additions:
1. Download the patcher#27 from this new location here (need mirror(s))
2. Download my client.exe #27 and other required files including guide (thank's to zz3ta for the mirror)
3. Download this mobs file for ppls with NO MONSTER below (thank's to zz3ta, gotohell and rusdyrip for the translations)
4. Account2.sql [fixed and translated] below (thank's to rusdyrip for the translations)
5. Account3.sql [fixed and translated] below (thank's to rusdyrip for the translations)
6. I found out how to fix the Character Name :smilie3: > Open your CDGameShell\version.cfg and change the FixCharName=1 to FixCharName=0
7. Updated the correct Enemy_*.csv translations (thank's to zz3ta, for the quick translations)

These has been a:
RZISGO and PSISGO Development Team
RZISGO [RageZone's International SGO]
PSISGO [Pirate-Server's Indonesian SGO]


Last edited:
New Additions

If you have this problem: ERROR: "!!! gameSetting Oject Initialization failed"

Here's the fix!
Some of this guide is from KAZE, he teached me how to fix this error back there via IRC. Thanks to KAZE or EZAK

1. Make sure you have changed your ICQ2.SQL file to your MSSQL server's condition before query it. You can check and change it if you did not change it before in ICQ>PLAYERDB table
insert into playerdb(game_id, id, constr) values(0,1,'Provider=''sqloledb'';Data Source=''YOUR MSSQL SERVER IP'';Initial Catalog=''game'';User ID=''sa'';password=''YOUR MSSQL SA PASS'';Connect Timeout=''60''')

2. Make sure you have changed your msgSrv\dat\game.cfg file to below values:
or just leave it to 1 and remove the 0

3. Make sure you have changed your ICQ>GAME table to below values:
0 RageZone
1 RageZone
Try to start the Server again and have fun :D
i just set up a server for this. i think this game sucks, i wont be playing this! the movement engine is so bad!
youth said:
Are you going to make a server? So many people request the files, but never up a server.

its because the screenshots and website make the game look really good, but then as soon as you play it the movement engine makes u quit instantly! its really bad.. and thats an understatement!!
crushroller said:
its because the screenshots and website make the game look really good, but then as soon as you play it the movement engine makes u quit instantly! its really bad.. and thats an understatement!!

Do you mean the animation? If thats the case, and is editable, I will fix it. I have been using Maya, 3ds Max, and Cinema 4d for some time now and will be able to clean them instantly.

Is the gameplay terrible?
the game is so bad ?

I wanted to make a server lunentia, but I have always the same basic error of data. the ideal it's a server already translated into English
youth said:
Are you going to make a server? So many people request the files, but never up a server.

It is not your probleme, i prefere people never up a server than a guys up server 1 or 2 day.
someone have the server ?
I never see a server of sgo, so i must test it and after, maybe or not i make a server.
but for do this, i need the server . . . .
I will be more than happy to upload the server to anyone, it's only 5mb and whatever translation stuff I have, pm me, post your email here, I don't care which, I'll send right away.

So far, I've only heard one person say it sucks, not that I doubt him, I'd rather hear the opinions of others first before making any call on it. And I'm too lazy to setup sql again.
I can also upload the client, but in this case, if you have a publicly available ftp or a torrentbox or some sort of sharing going on, I will be more than happy to oblige. Not that I don't want to send the client to anyone, it's just very time consuming if I just keep passing it to one person at a time.
Beru said:
It is not your probleme, i prefere people never up a server than a guys up server 1 or 2 day.

Arnt' we an opinionated one.. well now that you have shared with us your effectual feelings, feel free to :chair:
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