Start Service error in MySQL Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
I get this error when i configure MySQL Server

FiR3F0X - Start Service error in MySQL Server - RaGEZONE Forums

Somebody know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance
try just reinstalling MY SQL... but remember when u uninstalled it u MUST DELETE the FOLDER TOO in wtv drive u have it in Program Files. delete it fully and reinstall and reconfigure it might help.

and yes true if u have a firewall make sure its allowed for access and maybe restart PC it helps sometimes.
You can see in the photo that the service is not running first of all, and that either mysql is being installed or settings modified. No need to check if the service is running. It is NOT running. See the meaning now. If being modified mysql stops the service, alters the settings, and then restarts. Second of all Installing mysql on xp and vista version of windows mysqld-nt.exe is not added the the firewall exceptions list. So it won't be abe to start the service.
i just said a possible reason...
i did NOT say that this is deffinetly the cure for problem.
so read before u start being a smartass... and if u dont believe me.. then try it