Status on DB Request.

Junior Spellweaver
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks to the lovely kerfluey of the search button...and my impatience. Just wanted to check if anyone has had progress with a DB for 2.0.6. (6337) So far it's still 2.0.2 from what I've seen. I know some peeople had luck with getting enGB 2.0.6 but alas enUS here.
i know that theres people working on it but thats it the GB one had so many bugs that it crashed on a regular basis so my guess is that they wanna make sure there are very few faults in ENus if anyone else posts here send me a tell cause im looking to host a 2.0.6 EnUS Aswell.
i got a 2.0.6 server working ...kinda..
ENus 2.0.6 (6337)

the 2 new races load but no npc and the regular wow stuff is bugged like undead not even loading or tauran no quests..or
but it actully loads in and creates chars no prob, if anyone knows how the file system works, i might be able to comple the correct set of working parts together...

i just dont know what db files do what and the sql dir how it affects and what they do in

i know what thay do and how they work but not as far as this game

i got a buttload of map files and dont know what version is needed for what server setup...
so if anyone can help or needs help let me know!

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