• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Stealth beta testing phase

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2007
Reaction score

Well i have modified the detection very stronghly the formula for stealth detection in unit.cpp

here are the fallowing fixes :

-Range detection, centers on mob no more 3 feet extremeties so it is now possible to implement correctly sap and other stealth attacjs
-Collision detection, if touching a mob stealth is automaticly lost
-Stealth depending on level, the higher the difference in level the higher the probability of detection ( using old values minus the level of mob values as it should change anything towards detection, only difference in level between mo.
-Different probability per difference of level. If the difference is 0 very low possibility of being detected if it is 4 very higher and more than 5 you are detected automaticly.
-If mobs are more than 5 levels they will turn to face the player and will fallow them from their position, if they come closer they will get attack if they go farther away they will be ignored. (Higher the difference in level the farther away they will be detected)
-Detection is based on level difference, distance, rank of mobs. It is know that stealth stats of mobs and player do not work, when they do the code will be easy implemented in the body of the function.

Here is the code, at the bottom is the release files.

added changes in mangosconf.ini :

#************************* NEW*****************
  #Stealth probability rate
  # default = 1, 0 = probability 0 of being seen by mob
modified function in object.cpp

  float WorldObject::GetDistanceSq(const WorldObject* obj) const
              float dx = GetPositionX() - obj->GetPositionX();
              float dy = GetPositionY() - obj->GetPositionY();
              float dz = GetPositionZ() - obj->GetPositionZ();
              float sizefactor = GetObjectSize() + obj->GetObjectSize() - 2.28; //size factor is too big student1
              if (sizefactor <= 0) sizefactor = 1; //makes sures values are not negative for too little objects student1
              float dist = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)) - sizefactor;
              return ( dist > 0 ? dist * dist : 0);

Added the fallowing variable in world.cpp in under void World::SetInitialWorldSettings() (under the raterate section)

//Added mangos.ini rate_stealth, this variable controls probability of stealth detection
              rate_values[RATE_STEALTH] = sConfig.GetFloatDefault("RATE_STEALTH", 1);
Added the fallowing under world.h under enum Rates

//Stealth prob initialisation
Main function unit.cpp:

New includes :

  #include <iostream> // enables input and output //student1
  #include "RedZoneDistrict.h" // addon student1
  #include "CellImpl.h" // addon student1
  #include "GridNotifiersImpl.h" // addon student1
  #include "MapManager.h" // addon student1
  using namespace std; //student 1
Here is the main function unit.cpp

bool Unit::isVisibleFor(Unit* u, bool detect)
              // Visible units, always are visible for all pjs
              if (m_Visibility == VISIBILITY_ON)
                          return true;
              // GMs are visible for higher gms (or players are visible for gms)
              if (u->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && ((Player *)u)->isGameMaster())
                          return (GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && ((Player *)this)->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= ((Player *)u)->GetSession()->GetSecurity());
              // non faction visibility non-breakable for non-GMs
              if (m_Visibility == VISIBILITY_OFF)
                          return false;
              // Units far than MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE, that are not gms and are stealth, are not visibles too
              if (!this->IsWithinDist(u,MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT))
                          return false;
              // Stealth not hostile units, not visibles (except Player-with-Player case)
              if (!u->IsHostileTo(this))
                          // player autodetect other player with stealth only if he in same group or raid or same team (raid/team case dependent from conf setting)
                          if(GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER && u->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER)
                                                 return true;
                                     // else apply same rules as for hostile case (detecting check)
                                     return true;
              // if in non-detect mode then invisible for unit
                          return false;
              bool IsVisible = true;
              bool isNotFront;
              isNotFront = u->isInFront(this, MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT)? 0 : 1;;
              float Distance = sqrt(GetDistanceSq(u));
              float prob = 0;
              float modifier = 1;
              //Assigns the current level of the mobs and players to 2 variables
              int mobLevel = u->getLevel();
              int playerLevel = ((Player*)this)->getLevel();
              int LevelDif = mobLevel - playerLevel;
              int32 x = (u->m_detectStealth / 5) - (m_stealthvalue / 5) + 59;  //int32 x = u->getLevel() + (u->m_detectStealth / 5) - (m_stealthvalue / 5) + 59;
              //rank initialisation
              int rank =0;
              //Gets the difference in level between player and mob
              float DistanceFormula = ((((sWorld.getRate(RATE_CREATURE_AGGRO) * 16))/5)*LevelDif);
              //Original probability values
              //removed level of mob in calculation as it should not affect the detection, it is mainly dependant on level difference
              float AverageDist = 1 - 0.11016949*x + 0.00301637*x*x;  //at this distance, the detector has to be a 15% prob of detect
              if (x<0) x = 0;
              if (AverageDist < 1) AverageDist = 1;
              if (Distance > AverageDist)
              //prob between 10% and 0%
              prob = (AverageDist-200+9*Distance)/(AverageDist-20);
              prob = 75 - (60/AverageDist)*Distance;                                   //prob between 15% and 75% (75% max prob)
              if (isNotFront)
              prob = prob/100;
              if (prob < 0.1)
              prob = 0.1;       
              //applies a probability modifier depending if mobs are normal, elite, rare, rare elite or world bosses
              switch (rank)
                          //normal no modifier
                          case 0 : modifier =1;      break;
                          case 1 : modifier =1.2; break;  // elite
                          case 2 : modifier =1.4; break;  // rareelite
                          case 3 : modifier =1.6; break;  //worldboss
                          case 4 : modifier =1.8; break;  //rare elite
                          default : modifier=1;       break;  //abnormal case, should never enter this line, only for safety.
              //Sets 'owner' variable
              Creature* pCreature = ((Creature *)u);
              Creature& owner = *pCreature;
              //Show in console distance between player and mob
              cout << "LevelDifference: " << LevelDif << "\n";
              // Detection variable = 0 then no stealth detection (simple collision detection used independant of level)
              cout << "Distance from mob: " << Distance << "\n";
              cout << "Agro selected in ini: " << sWorld.getRate(RATE_CREATURE_AGGRO) << "\n";
              cout << "DistanceDetect: " << DistanceFormula << "\n";
              cout << "BufferZone: " << DistanceFormula*2 << "\n";
              cout << "Mob detect stealth value: " << u->m_detectStealth << "\n";
              cout << "Player stealth value: " << ((Player*)this)->m_stealthvalue << "\n";
              //New system, takes level in consideration when applying detection
              //All level will not be detected unless collison (if it is enabled in ini) 0 means there is no detection
              if ((sWorld.getRate(RATE_STEALTH)==0) && (Distance > 1)) 
                            IsVisible = false; // remains visible student1
                            return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
              //If the mob is one level less or more there is no detection unless there is collision
              if ((LevelDif<0) && (Distance> 1))
                            //Makes sure it removes Threat once mob it too far
                            IsVisible = false; 
                            return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
              //Distance of approch player stays stealth 100% is dependant of level. No probabiliy or detection is rolled
              //This establishes a buffer zone in between mob start to see you and mob start to roll probabilities or detect you
              if ((Distance < 100) && (Distance > (DistanceFormula * 2) * modifier))
                            IsVisible = false;
                            return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
              //Mobs will face players if they are 5 levels higher or more at a certain distance the higher the difference in level the higher the distance
              //If mob is a higher level but is approached from behind, mob will turn toweard player and attack if closer than 7 fet
              if ( (LevelDif>=5) && (Distance > 1) )
                           //Mob turns to look at player
                          ((Creature *)u)->SetInFront((Player*)this);
                          CellPair p = MaNGOS::ComputeCellPair(owner.GetPositionX(), owner.GetPositionY());
                          Cell cell = RedZone::GetZone(p);
                          cell.data.Part.reserved = ALL_DISTRICT;
                          MaNGOS::CreatureVisibleMovementNotifier notifier(owner);
                          TypeContainerVisitor<MaNGOS::CreatureVisibleMovementNotifier, WorldTypeMapContainer > player_notifier(notifier);
                          CellLock<GridReadGuard> cell_lock(cell, p);
                          cell_lock->Visit(cell_lock, player_notifier, *MapManager::Instance().GetMap(owner.GetMapId()));
                          ((Creature *)u)->StopMoving(); 
                           //If player comes close to mob he gets detected ( Formula is based on agro and level difference between mob and player
                           //Formula used is (((aggro * 16)/5) * level difference between mob and player) Will give you the level of detection
                           //At agro 0.4 and at a difference of 5 levels you can approach until 6.4  feet. At a level diff of 6 you are detected at 7.68 feet or closer etc
                           if (Distance <= (DistanceFormula * modifier))
                                       //Puts mob back to threat to normal value
                                       IsVisible = true;
                                       return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
                            IsVisible = false;
                            return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
              //This establishes level detection based on level, the higher the mob level the higher the chance of detection.
              switch (LevelDif)
              //If same level with mob
              case 0:
                            //min prob of detect is 0.1
                            if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/15)) && (Distance> 1))
                                        IsVisible = false;
                                       cout << "Probability: " << prob << "\n";
                            IsVisible = true; 
               //If mob has one level more
              case 1:
                            if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/10)) && (Distance> 1))
                                        IsVisible = false;
                                       cout << "Probability: " << prob << "\n";
                            IsVisible = true; 
              //If mob has 2 levels more
              case 2:
                            if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/5)) && (Distance > 1))
                                        IsVisible = false;
                                       cout << "Probability: " << prob << "\n";
                            IsVisible = true; 
              //If mob has 3 level more
              case 3:
                            //min prob of detect is 0.1
                            if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/1.5)) && (Distance > 1))
                            IsVisible = false;
                            IsVisible = true; 
              //If mob has 4 levels more
              case 4:
                            //min prob of detect is 0.1
                            if ((rand_chance() > (prob*modifier)) && (Distance > 1))
                            IsVisible = false;
                            IsVisible = true; 
              default : //abnormal case, should never enter this line, only for safety.
                            if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/1.5)) && (Distance > 1))
                            IsVisible = false;
                            IsVisible = true; 
              return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
And now for the compile 3322 for 1.12.1 and source files:

Let me know what you guys think, i would want this to be as blizlike as possible. Take in mind that this function is repeated very fast in the code, so probsbilities need to be low.

VERY IMPORTANT, TO ENABLE DETECTION YOU MUST SELECT 1 IN THE INI UNDER STEAL_RATE 0 will make you go in super stealth mode, only collision will mob will bring you out of stealth

All comments are welcomed, this is so this function can be bettered and we can all get some better rogues play in wow :lol:

Hate not being able to edit... would be much easier...anyway new source new compile and added pvp detection. Should be fix, but untested let me know if it works!!


Edit: Changed source and compile download added pvp checks, untested but let me know if it works, compiles perfect and seems logical so hepefully there are no bugs ;)

Well i have modified the stealth detection very stronghly unit.cpp

here are the fallowing fixes :

-Range detection, centers on mob no more 3 feet extremeties so it is now possible to implement correctly sap and other stealth attacjs
-Collision detection, if touching a mob stealth is automaticly lost
-Stealth depending on level, the higher the difference in level the higher the probability of detection ( using old values minus the level of mob values as it should change anything towards detection, only difference in level between mo.
-Different probability per difference of level. If the difference is 0 very low possibility of being detected if it is 4 very higher and more than 5 you are detected automaticly.
-If mobs are more than 5 levels they will turn to face the player and will fallow them from their position, if they come closer they will get attack if they go farther away they will be ignored. (Higher the difference in level the farther away they will be detected)
-Detection is based on level difference, distance, rank of mobs. It is know that stealth stats of mobs and player do not work, when they do the code will be easy implemented in the body of the function.

Here is the code, at the bottom is the release files.

added changes in mangosconf.ini :

#************************* NEW*****************
#Stealth probability rate
# default = 1, 0 = probability 0 of being seen by mob

modified function in object.cpp

float WorldObject::GetDistanceSq(const WorldObject* obj) const
    float dx = GetPositionX() - obj->GetPositionX();
    float dy = GetPositionY() - obj->GetPositionY();
    float dz = GetPositionZ() - obj->GetPositionZ();
    float sizefactor = GetObjectSize() + obj->GetObjectSize() - 2.28; //size factor is too big student1
    if (sizefactor <= 0) sizefactor = 1; //makes sures values are not negative for too little objects student1
    float dist = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy) + (dz*dz)) - sizefactor;
    return ( dist > 0 ? dist * dist : 0);

Added the fallowing variable in world.cpp in under void World::SetInitialWorldSettings() (under the raterate section)

bool Unit::isVisibleFor(Unit* u, bool detect)

    // Visible units, always are visible for all pjs
    if (m_Visibility == VISIBILITY_ON)
        return true;

    // GMs are visible for higher gms (or players are visible for gms)
    if (u->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && ((Player *)u)->isGameMaster())
        return (GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && ((Player *)this)->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= ((Player *)u)->GetSession()->GetSecurity());

    // non faction visibility non-breakable for non-GMs
    if (m_Visibility == VISIBILITY_OFF)
        return false;

    // Units far than MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE, that are not gms and are stealth, are not visibles too
    if (!this->IsWithinDist(u,MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT))
        return false;

    // Stealth not hostile units, not visibles (except Player-with-Player case)
    if (!u->IsHostileTo(this))
        // player autodetect other player with stealth only if he in same group or raid or same team (raid/team case dependent from conf setting)
        if(GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER && u->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER)
                return true;

            // else apply same rules as for hostile case (detecting check)
            return true;

    // if in non-detect mode then invisible for unit
        return false;
    bool IsVisible = true;
    bool isNotFront;
    isNotFront = u->isInFront(this, MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT)? 0 : 1;;
    float Distance = sqrt(GetDistanceSq(u));
    float prob = 0;
    float modifier = 1;
    //Assigns the current level of the mobs and players to 2 variables
    int32 mobLevel = u->getLevel();  //gets mob level or player level
    int32 playerLevel = ((Player*)this)->getLevel();
    int32 LevelDif = mobLevel - playerLevel;
    int32 x = (u->m_detectStealth / 5) - (m_stealthvalue / 5) + 59;  //int32 x = u->getLevel() + (u->m_detectStealth / 5) - (m_stealthvalue / 5) + 59;
    //rank initialisation
    int32 rank =0;

    if (u->GetTypeId()!=TYPEID_PLAYER)
        rank =((Creature const*)u)->GetCreatureInfo()->rank;
    //Gets the difference in level between player and mob
       float DistanceFormula = ((((sWorld.getRate(RATE_CREATURE_AGGRO) * 16))/5)*LevelDif);
    //Original probability values
    //removed level of mob in calculation as it should not affect the detection, it is mainly dependant on level difference
    float AverageDist = 1 - 0.11016949*x + 0.00301637*x*x;  //at this distance, the detector has to be a 15% prob of detect
    if (x<0) x = 0;
    if (AverageDist < 1) AverageDist = 1;
    if (Distance > AverageDist)
    //prob between 10% and 0%
    prob = (AverageDist-200+9*Distance)/(AverageDist-20);
    prob = 75 - (60/AverageDist)*Distance;              //prob between 15% and 75% (75% max prob)
    if (isNotFront)
    prob = prob/100;
    if (prob < 0.1)
    prob = 0.1;     

    //applies a probability modifier depending if mobs are normal, elite, rare, rare elite or world bosses
    switch (rank)
        //normal no modifier
        case 0 : modifier =1;      break;

        case 1 : modifier =1.2;    break;  // elite

        case 2 : modifier =1.4;    break;  // rareelite

        case 3 : modifier =1.6;    break;  //worldboss

        case 4 : modifier =1.8;    break;  //rare elite

        default : modifier=1;      break;  //abnormal case, should never enter this line, only for safety.
    //Sets 'owner' variable if mob only, pvp unafected
           Creature* pCreature = ((Creature *)u);
        Creature& owner = *pCreature;
    //Show in console distance between player and mob
    cout << "LevelDifference: " << LevelDif << "\n";
    // Detection variable = 0 then no stealth detection (simple collision detection used independant of level)
    cout << "Distance from mob: " << Distance << "\n";
    cout << "Agro selected in ini: " << sWorld.getRate(RATE_CREATURE_AGGRO) << "\n";
    cout << "DistanceDetect: " << DistanceFormula << "\n";
    cout << "BufferZone: " << DistanceFormula*2 << "\n";
    cout << "Mob detect stealth value: " << u->m_detectStealth << "\n";
    cout << "Player stealth value: " << ((Player*)this)->m_stealthvalue << "\n";

    //New system, takes level in consideration when applying detection
    //All level will not be detected unless collison (if it is enabled in ini) 0 means there is no detection
    if ((sWorld.getRate(RATE_STEALTH)==0) && (Distance > 1)) 
          IsVisible = false; // remains visible student1
          return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
    //If the mob is one level less or more there is no detection unless there is collision
    if ((LevelDif<0) && (Distance> 1))
          //Makes sure it removes Threat once mob it too far
          IsVisible = false; 
          return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);

    //Distance of approch player stays stealth 100% is dependant of level. No probabiliy or detection is rolled
    //This establishes a buffer zone in between mob start to see you and mob start to roll probabilities or detect you
    if ((Distance < 100) && (Distance > (DistanceFormula * 2) * modifier))
          IsVisible = false;
          return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);


    //PVP code untested. Players should be detected depending automticly after 5 levels of more, higher diff higher distance
    if ( (LevelDif>=5) && (Distance > 1) && (u->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER))

           //Is detected
           if (Distance <= DistanceFormula)

                 IsVisible = true;
                 return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);  

           //Is not detected
           IsVisible = false;
           return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);  


    //Mobs will face players if they are 5 levels higher or more at a certain distance the higher the difference in level the higher the distance
    //If mob is a higher level but is approached from behind, mob will turn toweard player and attack if closer than 7 fet
    if ( (LevelDif>=5) && (Distance > 1) && (u->GetTypeId()!=TYPEID_PLAYER))

         //Mob turns to look at player
        ((Creature *)u)->SetInFront((Player*)this);
        CellPair p = MaNGOS::ComputeCellPair(owner.GetPositionX(), owner.GetPositionY());
        Cell cell = RedZone::GetZone(p);
        cell.data.Part.reserved = ALL_DISTRICT;
        MaNGOS::CreatureVisibleMovementNotifier notifier(owner);
        TypeContainerVisitor<MaNGOS::CreatureVisibleMovementNotifier, WorldTypeMapContainer > player_notifier(notifier);
        CellLock<GridReadGuard> cell_lock(cell, p);
        cell_lock->Visit(cell_lock, player_notifier, *MapManager::Instance().GetMap(owner.GetMapId()));
        ((Creature *)u)->StopMoving(); 

         //If player comes close to mob he gets detected ( Formula is based on agro and level difference between mob and player
         //Formula used is (((aggro * 16)/5) * level difference between mob and player) Will give you the level of detection
         //At agro 0.4 and at a difference of 5 levels you can approach until 6.4 feet. At a level diff of 6 you are detected at 7.68 feet or closer etc
         if (Distance <= (DistanceFormula * modifier))
              //Puts mob back to threat to normal value
              IsVisible = true;
              return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);
          IsVisible = false;
          return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);

    //This establishes level detection based on level, the higher the mob level the higher the chance of detection.
    switch (LevelDif)
    //If same level with mob
    case 0:
          //min prob of detect is 0.1
          if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/15)) && (Distance> 1))
               IsVisible = false;
              cout << "Probability: " << prob << "\n";
          IsVisible = true; 

     //If mob has one level more
    case 1:
          if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/10)) && (Distance> 1))
               IsVisible = false;
              cout << "Probability: " << prob << "\n";
          IsVisible = true; 
    //If mob has 2 levels more
    case 2:
          if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/5)) && (Distance > 1))
               IsVisible = false;
              cout << "Probability: " << prob << "\n";
          IsVisible = true; 

    //If mob has 3 level more
    case 3:
          //min prob of detect is 0.1
          if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/1.5)) && (Distance > 1))
          IsVisible = false;
          IsVisible = true; 

    //If mob has 4 levels more
    case 4:
          //min prob of detect is 0.1
          if ((rand_chance() > (prob*modifier)) && (Distance > 1))
          IsVisible = false;
          IsVisible = true; 

    default : //abnormal case, should never enter this line, only for safety.
          if ((rand_chance() > ((prob*modifier)/1.5)) && (Distance > 1))
          IsVisible = false;
          IsVisible = true; 

    return IsVisible && ( Distance <= MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT * MAX_DIST_INVISIBLE_UNIT);

And now for the compile 3322 for 1.12.1 and source files:
Download pvp pve stealth patch source + compile + modified files:

Let me know what you guys think, i would want this to be as blizlike as possible. Take in mind that this function is repeated very fast in the code, so probsbilities need to be low.

VERY IMPORTANT: To enable stealth detection rate_stealth must be = to 1 in mangos ini otherwise you go iin super stealth mode and only a collision can detect you.

All comments are welcomed, Hopefully this new code can even be bettered and it can profit the community, and we can all have a better time playing rogues!! :lol:
