STL Editor Project

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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
French Country
STL Editor Project (version 2.01)

Hi, My Nick is Wolffen, Eiiliamil in Ragezone Forum...

I have prepared one little project : STL File editor, version 1 release 6 Now !!!.

You can download the programme (Setup) here
And (Update)
, here

Password is needed : micro

This version go to 3 language :D NECTRO (LendForce) have translated for me...

- Install in first the 1.06 Setup version, not run this, and extract all files from the archive of version 2.xx and copy all contenu in the directory of the STL Editor is installed, Note you put all your STL files in the STB folder in the installed folder...

Report me all problems please...

All file is saved in STB folder with the name add of "_SAVE", after install (install from VB6) put the STB folder of your client in the installed folder.

In this release you can found :

- 3 language.
- New routine for saving and loading STL file
- Save and Read all STL files, from all version (I think), i not have tested all :p
- Save to Texte file, for best edit, respect all ligne else this can scramble.
- Read this shame texte File and you can save in STL file
- STL file optimising (:D), and this work perfectly, I have removed all other language, not using, after I can Connect all to anglish language.


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Yeah, really nice work.

If u want i can translate it to english and spanish, if u are interested in it, only send me a pm ^^

Thanks agains ^_^
STL Editor is serious project...

Sorry for the password, i haved crach my computer...

Now one of last version before the anglish release

no password needed for this...

In this release you can found :

- New routine for saving and loading STL file
- Save and Read all STL files, from all version (I think), i not have tested all :p
- Save to Texte file, for best edit, respect all ligne else this can scramble.
- Read this shame texte File and you can save in STL file
- STL file optimising (:D), and this work perfectly, I have removed all other language, not using, after I can Connect all to anglish language.
- You can use this freeware at you risk, make all copy before...

Enjoys from france

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men learn english... its not anglish but english and say if there is a good english version pls so i can use it (my french is good but im to lazy to use it (Lived 1 and half years in france so..)=P)
Man, learn's not Anglish, it's English, and say if there is a good English version, please, so I can use it. (My French is good, but I'm too lazy to use it, I lived for 1 and a half years in France, so...:P

i fixed it for you
LEXIL tes un mec stupid... Au lieu de me dire d'apprendre l'angllais commence par me remercier de faire un logiciel que personne n'a encore fait...

Last version 2.xx...

This version go to 3 language :D NECTRO have translated for my...

See the first post...

hehe, good game all...

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