Stump the Cha Cha

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
I thought of a forum game... Called "Stump the Cha Cha"

I start with a hard question and it has to get answered by someone at Cha Cha using the search guide.

If they answer it post part or all of the conversation and make up your own question.

So the first question:

Find a Cha Cha worker and get them to find a site explaining, or they can explain themselves this equation: r = m + (m*m - q*q - s/m*s/m)1/2 in a way someone without a P.H.D can understand.

PS Most workers have the IQ of a 3 year old so if no one answers this in a week someone can post a new question.

PPS don't know if this goes in spamzilla or the outerworld.