Suggestions Please (Server Specs) L2J 

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Elite Diviner
Oct 10, 2005
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These are the parts i have available.
P4 3.4 Overclocked to 3.8 with HT 2mb cache.
2Gb DDR II Pc 4300 (kingston)
Wd Raptor 10,000 Rpm 76 gb.
(video card doesnt make a diff...but x800xt 256.pcie.)
200 gb backup/network Drive (7200)
Pentium III 1.0Ghz.
512 Mb Sdram.
120 gb wd 7200.
What would be the most efficient way to host the server.
Mostly I want to know if im gaining any performance by puting the login server on that Slower Comp..... Does the Login Server need much Computing power.... ?
Or would it just run faster to have both the login and gS on the fast box.

ALso does anyone know the average Bandwith Requirements per Player?
Ie what is it..... 20k/b up/Down per player? Or more.
Way i see it.
i play on server that have 100mb/100mb
we have a 1200 people playing.
SO each player only need? what
100kbs up down? EAch?
I dont thnk the bandwith requirements go above 30 kb/s per player but w/e another opinion wont hert as i plan to host From home and want atleast 400 people to be able to connect. ^^
acording to my calculation i will need atleast a 12mb/s up/down connection?
for 4-500 people.
With those specs you will not have to worry one bit.
That server will kick ass!

Bandwidth. According to Kadar each player normally only uses about 7 kbps.
When surrounded by 50 or more mobs about 20-25kbps.
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Its cooled just fine ^^.
I might up the cpu to a Duo core tho .... i have to see... but i dont thnk it will really need more...
THnks i just needed to know bandwith usage cause i was planing to start server from basment when i move so... yea... now i can look for better plans. Not bad thnks guys.

O yea btw... better to move login server to the slower Comp or?
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Doesn't make much of a diference. The login server don't use much resourses at all and only takes a few seconds (at max) to restart.
But yeah, offcourse it will save you a small amount of performance but when compared to the electrical bill you'll have to pay for it it
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I think a login to a server is unnecessary much DDR and MHz as it answers only for connection of the user to a game server. On a game server I can tell a little prophetic:

1) Than it is more DDR that better to play and less lags, slow and so on

2) The above speed of the processor the less time goes a package from the player up to a server and that above throughput of a server t.e less logs and slows player \ the monster

3) the Internet the channel should grow will suffice proportionally players that is if on a server play 10-50 person and 2-20 Megabit and if above that increases in 0.2-2 times the channel
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Ram is not a must for an l2j server. with 2gb you are fine. maybe 4 would be good. you need good CPU. i would go for AMD Dual Core Opteron but its up to you.. Try it out and let us know wtf.
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with all respesct kost.... but u are very wrong...amd sucks for servers... jsut look up at Intel Core 2 Duo... it kills everything ;)

PS: read the news :D
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