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Depends on the circumstances defo. No1 can deny that coz I there will 100% defo b scenarios where both opinions r valid.

and ive experienced suicide in my family so dont fuckin moan to me if u think im being selfish saying that suicide is selfish.

its the easy way out and it hurts the people around u....

You're quite right there MentaL.

It is selfish & nobody in right mind would ever think about suicide. No matter how bad life is there is always a better way than suicide.
last resource 2 a troubled mind, i don't think it's selfish cause in the state a suicidal person is they can't even think bout other ppl so it ain't a narcisism problem, it's just when u don't have any other options or when u can't see them...

anyways i think i'm 2 dumb 2 kill my self
You might, but many people don't share that view.

Stupid and/or selfish, diffecult to say.

It's not selfish, when a person comes to the point of thinking of suicide a lot has gone wrong, they see no way out, they live in pain, most of the time they have a smile on their face, just so that others won't bother them.
How does a person come to this point, some people think like that you should just try harder, but you don't get this through failing of something like school, it's when you fail in life, or at leas the feeling of it.
It's in any case not selfish, some people might find their strenght somewhere to never come to this, but some do, quite a lot actually.

As for stupid... it depends, sometimes it is stupid, but then i'm talking about that the person isn't stupid, but because it could of been easily fixed.
People who think very low off themselfs often don't let others help them, if they would then it really would be pretty easy fixed, because they just need someone there for them, it's stupid that someone doesn't have this and does stupid things because of it, but it all has a reason.

People who commit suicide are simply lonely, sometimes they have indeed a lot of friends around them, but they are lonely in their hearts, i know someone like that, but she doesn't want to talk to me anymore because she is afraid of sharing things, and she tryed to push me away for quite sometime, but it didn't worked, so now she just went away... i'm afraid of what she is going to do, she has this already for 4 years, and i don't see anything change in the near future...
i know id give my life for quite a few people, whether that was doing something that ended up with me dieing so they could live or whether it was a situation where i had to take my life

its still the same id have done it so the other person was ok meaning i was escaping the other possible outcome
its selfish, and anyone who trys it or gets ready to go through with it is a bastard. i tryed it once and really hurt myself..

then u realise, whats the point.. at some stage in ur life no matter how shit it is, something good will come of it.. and if it doesnt then thats unfortunate. but, by cutting your life short when some people are born to die 2 hours later without a CHANCE of experiencing all the things the world has to offer..

Every one of us that posts on this forum, no matter who you are.. no matter what beleive. the point of life at the end of the day is to get the most out of it and to help people experience it to the best of your ability..

Here and now is everything.. I lost my cousin very recently and he didnt commit suicide, he died in a snow boarding accident.. but im so cut up about it its almost unreal.. im not going to uni next year only 1 month away from uni and im going to fail my subjects because ive fallen behind with coursework. i dont care. my cousin is gone.. the flame that was his life has been extingwished...

if someone commits suicide.. think of the GREIF that they force apon everyone they have touched in there life.. its bad enough when people die naturally but for them to cut there life short its so much worse.. if anyone ever wants to talk then im always here. im a very deep person and am willin to try cheer someone up no matter what.. <3 to the people of ragezone.

~an emmotional rocz~
Rocz said:
then u realise, whats the point.. at some stage in ur life no matter how shit it is, something good will come of it.. and if it doesnt then thats unfortunate. but, by cutting your life short when some people are born to die 2 hours later without a CHANCE of experiencing all the things the world has to offer..

if someone commits suicide.. think of the GREIF that they force apon everyone they have touched in there life.. its bad enough when people die naturally but for them to cut there life short its so much worse.. if anyone ever wants to talk then im always here. im a very deep person and am willin to try cheer someone up no matter what.. <3 to the people of ragezone.

~an emmotional rocz~
You have no idea what you are talking about, i saw a program about people comitted suicide, they were people who were feeling like that for 10 years, some people just always fuck up, they don't want it, but it's just in them.
Because of this they just do everything alone, have no friends, all problems get build up inside, nothing goes out, it just adds on and on, then 1 moment it's so full there is only 2 ways out, 1 is to have someone help you, but hey the last 10 years was already without people, and the other is to commit suicide.

You think it's selfish? It's selfish to let such people live their rest of their life in pain just because you think it's selfish.

And you think those people don't think of what they will do to others? Why do you think that most people think a lot about suicide before they do anything? It's because of those people, it's the hardest part you know, because your life is shit, you don't care about that, it's those people you leave behind which makes it so hard.
Lemme share something with you.

My mam tried to commit suicide when my brother Stephen died. Ever since she's never been the same, you can just tell she has something on her mind and she is troubled. You have NO idea what it's like to be on the other side of the fence unless you've experienced it first-hand.

It's selfish to loved ones, but you need fucking balls to end your life. Instead of being so selfish yourselves, you need to understand the pain and the suffering they are going through. They feel they have no way out and they have no-one else to turn to, no-one who can understand.

And you people say to me it's selfish. I say to you that you are the selfish one's.
people may talk about it..... and even sometimes say they want to do it... but 90% of the time its bull. I sometimes say i wana do it. Thats crap tho and i wish i would never say it simply coz i would never do it. Not got the personality to go with that level of depression
people are born all over the world gohan and most of these wont make it past infancy because of some fucked up reason or another

any1 who takes their life is selfish and its a kick in the teeth for all those people who never had a chance to experiance life

all those people who have unwillingly had their lives robbed from them