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Super player problem

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys i just wondering if how can i make a player a SUPER player

EXAMPLE: when they register using desireuser_M when they play they can do @go and @storage

pls tell me!

im not a :newbie:
If you aren't use search and go look for it.

Imma help the newbie for now, not going to help anymore if it can be found through searching.

Look for your atcommand.conf on your athena folder and open it.

How to:

who: 20 // 20 means only a level 20 GM and higher may use the command. If you want to let your players access this command, just change the value to 0. 0 means normal players (read the top part of the atcommand.conf)

who: 0 // Save your atcommand.conf and open your server again, test the command on your normal account.