Swarms Help for [Swarms and PunkT New Town]

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
Dont replace your files with these. they only contain the contents you need to transfer into your files.

ie copy contents of quest.txt into your quest.txt file

This adds
Emergency Escape Meds
Emergency Escape Flag
Bird Event
New 2 Towns (Talk to guy in centre of collusem in COP to get there)
G70 armour and weapons

+ other Stuff. Try it out and leave feedback.
Made By Me (Swarm133) and PunkT

Time for sleep...
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Hot stuff :). Tnx swarm for u/l this. I have no time to do any of that stuff :)
You may want to test this out and include it in the next Update
Dont replace your files with these. they only contain the contents you need to transfer into your files.

ie copy contents of quest.txt into your quest.txt file

This adds
Emergency Escape Meds
Emergency Escape Flag
Bird Event
New 2 Towns (Talk to guy in centre of collusem in COP to get there)
G70 armour and weapons

+ other Stuff. Try it out and leave feedback.
Made By Me (Swarm133) and PunkT

Time for sleep...

Is this a repack ? If it isn't how can i give it in server?
swarm there's an error =/

poo - Swarms Help for [Swarms and PunkT New Town] - RaGEZONE Forums

I can't fix it, tried to erase that ")", actually nothing helps that i tried doing.

;Blue Claw TOW
    (name 3319)
    (Index 3319)
    (Image "item017")
    (class general charm)
    (code 3 5 14 0)
    (country 0)
    (use 1)
    (plural 1)
    (buy 0)
    (sell 1500)
        (Changeprefix ornament 15 106 60 112)
[b][color=darkred])[/color][/b] [b]<--- This one is giving me problems :)[/b]

Even if i erase it, move it, move the text into a single line, it still gives an error. Otherwise nice work ^^
hehe, Sweet Thanks for Uploading the Town Swarm, i didnt have time last night, hope you all enjoy the new collision maps,spawns,villages,quests we made.
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I'm working on another new system (Crafting Jewelry). might be 1-2 weeks to get all the kinks out. level 1 works, 2 and 3 to come. more info in a few days
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Hey Any chance you or any1 could upload it to another site? megaupload maybe plz HeYaA..
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Bugs founded

Ok i found few bugs!
1. Same error like cizo:
as i saw,somewhere in code of G70 GEAR must be some mestake.When i remove G70 GEAR code,all works fine without errors on client side
2. Client side error:
Idk why i get engine error when i go with mouse over all new added talismans in my inventory.(only talismans,other stuffs works fine)
3. Last bug i found is Bird event NPC doesnt work. I can see him,but cant talk with him.

For second & third bug i will try to fix,cuz maybe i made some mestake.
Hope fix for my first bug will come out fast :)

BTW: where r wolfs spawned? and new town?where :D,i just checked that bugs for now,didnt have time to run trough all map :D
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1. dunno what's wrong,
2. Check prefix.dat and if you missed any ")" at the end or anything missing at all.
3. Ye you probably forgot to do something, cuz i can talk to him ^^

Wolves are spawned at the Red/Blue Clan Area ( Actually near Narouth )
Go to Priest, talk to the mothafu*ka in the colloseum and port there with his help. there you got the wolves ^^.
2. I just copy/paste from prefix.txt like all other files...

; Created By Swarm133 and PunkT
;red Claw
(prefix (index 101) (level 4) (sell 350) (str 8) (Hth 8) (Int 8) (Wis 8) (Dex 8) (hp 300) (mp 150) (hit 8))
(prefix (index 102) (level 4) (sell 350) (str 4) (Hth 4) (Int 4) (Wis 4) (Dex 4) (hp 300) (mp 150) (defense 8))
(prefix (index 103) (level 4) (sell 350) (str 2) (Hth 2) (Int 2) (Wis 2) (Dex 2) (hp 300) (mp 150) (defense 4) (hit 2))
;Blue Claw
(prefix (index 104) (level 4) (sell 350) (str 8) (Hth 8) (Int 8) (Wis 8) (Dex 8) (hp 150) (mp 300) (hit 8))
(prefix (index 105) (level 4) (sell 350) (str 4) (Hth 4) (Int 4) (Wis 4) (Dex 4) (hp 150) (mp 300) (defense 8))
(prefix (index 106) (level 4) (sell 350) (str 2) (Hth 2) (Int 2) (Wis 2) (Dex 2) (hp 150) (mp 300) (defense 4) (hit 2))
;red Claw Fail
(prefix (index 107) (level 2) (sell 250) (Hth 8) (hp 600) (mp 300) (hit 4))
(prefix (index 108) (level 2) (sell 250) (Hth 4) (hp 600) (mp 300) (defense 4))
(prefix (index 109) (level 2) (sell 250) (Hth 2) (hp 600) (mp 300) (defense 2) (hit 1))
;Blue Claw Fail
(prefix (index 110) (level 2) (sell 250) (Wis 8) (hp 300) (mp 600) (hit 4))
(prefix (index 111) (level 2) (sell 250) (Wis 4) (hp 300) (mp 600) (defense 4))
(prefix (index 112) (level 2) (sell 250) (Wis 2) (hp 300) (mp 600) (defense 2) (hit 1))
that how looks like my end of perfix.dat
Swarms add on help. not a repack

DennisDee did you rename the .txt back to .dat before you packed the pk back up?
i had them renamed as .txt so people could look inside them and see what i added. a bit stupid of me not to mention it tho.
Also client side error is due to the client side prefix.dat is different to the server side one. or the inititem.dat is different to the server side.
i think the prefix one will fix it. just copy the ones from your server side. as the server can generate the items it's not server side problems.
bird event npc Spawn i uploaded is
;Bird Npc (gennpc (index 999) (country 0) (kind 1) (shape 24) (html 300404) (map 0) (xy 267479 242638 19630) (dir 267492 242637) )

so it uses 300404.dat i uploaded those in the e.pk folder.
however i did have them renamed as s300404.txt

I'm also gonna send my updates through dopestar from now on so there is no errors.
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swarm there's an error =/

View attachment 36190

I can't fix it, tried to erase that ")", actually nothing helps that i tried doing.

;Blue Claw TOW
    (name 3319)
    (Index 3319)
    (Image "item017")
    (class general charm)
    (code 3 5 14 0)
    (country 0)
    (use 1)
    (plural 1)
    (buy 0)
    (sell 1500)
        (Changeprefix ornament 15 106 60 112)
[B][COLOR=darkred])[/COLOR][/B] [B]<--- This one is giving me problems :)[/B]
Even if i erase it, move it, move the text into a single line, it still gives an error. Otherwise nice work ^^

me and cizo worked it out. it's in the LanguageM_kr.txt file. the format of the LanguageM_kr.txt file is:
#### %%%%
#### %%%%
#### %%%%

where ### is the number and %%% is the description of that number.
unfortunatly there is a limit to the length of the description.
so by removing the 'of Darkness' from the lines of code that i posted to put inside LanguageM_kr.txt, will eliminate the problem.
Sorry bout that guys
can some1 make me a screenshot of the ztown??

Ace-SG1 yes the icon shows, the birds themselves do not, because sumthing about 1hh i read about i dunno where and don't remember it clearly xP