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SWF Styling

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Thanks for the memories!
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May 21, 2010
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Guess who's back?

SWF Styling

While I was off, I managed to find something, along with a great friend of mine who runs HabboHosting.info. We figured out how to change the styling in the Habbo.swf. Now this may be new to some of you, but I wouldn't know, being that I have been gone for a couple of months. What are you talking about Mithex? I'm talking this:

Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

Their are 2 methods. One is the Addition/Subtraction HxD editor way which is way harder then the Leenster way (second method). Lets do this.

1. Open your Habbo.swf up in HxD (you will have to decompile)

2. Now, if I want to spiffy up (style) the navigator, search in the Hex codes for "navigator".

3. You will find something like this:
<frame x="0" y="0" width="325" height="474" params="98305" style="0" name="grs_main_window" caption="%24%7Bnavigator.title%7D" color="0xff418db0" height_min="215">.      <filters>.

4. Now this is the easy part, just change style="0" to style="3"

5. Now technically you have just styled the navigator, you will have to change the pixels around, I have this: width="319" height="505

6. Now, lets say you want it to say your hotels name this is what you do. Find navigator again, then look for a code that is similar to this: caption="Habboon%20Navigator"

7. This is the tricky part, so pay attention. First count the number of characters including %20. In this example we have 19. If we want it to be Bleh GPS, we need to do a few things.

8. Since the hex for Bleh GPS is Bleh%20GPS (Tip: Spaces are always %20) which has 10 characters we will use the SUBTRACTION method.

9. First, put your cursor infront of the H in Habboon, now type OVER Habboon%20Navigator. In my example I will end with caption="Bleh%20GPSNavigator" Now, yours might be different which will be explained later. Now, erase the Navigator, but before know that Navigator has 9 characters.

10. Look around for a spot similar to this:
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

11. Now put your cursor on a space. So its like this:
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

12. Now goto Edit -> Insert Bytes and have the settings just like mine:
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums
Those settings are because there were 9 extra characters, and 20 is because that is the Hex for a space and a space is used as extra bytes basically and doesn't screw up your SWF.

13. Save it and your done.


1. Do everything as above, except, in this example we are picking up at step 9.

2. So your hotel is for example Superfuckingawesome%20Hotel well that is approximately 27 Characters, so write over Habboon%20Navigator as much as you can. In this example we get to about this before running out of space caption="Superfuckingawesome" we still need 7 characters.

3. Put your cursor after the last E in awesome. Then Edit -> Insert Bytes and input the following settings.
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

4. Now write over the spaces so that your name fills the whole thing out with no extra space left.

5. Now find a spot like this:
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

6. Erase 7 spaces (since thats how many we added)

7. Save and enjoy


1. Download Leenster's SWF Editor here

2. Follow the Instruction for his program

3. Open the SWF and search for the parts you want to edit

4. Change them at your own will, you do not have to worry about adding or subtracting characters!

5. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading like if you like it!
Quick Note: This works for your inventory, alerts, anything you want!

Quick Other Trick
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

Tired of seeing this or whatever at the bottom after you click someone. Now you can get rid of it :D. Just open your Habbo.swf, search for a word used in there, then use the methods I taught above to change it.

Want to Make a Custom Style
Download a SWF Decompiler and open your Habbo.swf in it; then extract all the images that have the new style (style 3) in it. Then edit those style 3 images to your new style and save it. Reupload it to the SWF and your done :)

Want to Change the Color of Your Style
If you want to change the color of your style, so instead of it being the default blue, you want to make it black, just go to colorpicker.com; pick your color and copy the color code; then go back into your SWF and find the style part you want to edit (i.e navigator, so you go to navigator) then find where the current blue color is and change that color to your color code.

Want to Change the Color & Position of Your Sidebar
in habboui search for toolbar then you will find habbo-797.bin , open it

so just edit where is red
    <border x="0" y="0" width="86" height="540" params="1" style="6" name="main" color="0x0516DED">

now thats not all you now have to change other colors and here they are :
<region x="5" y="0" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="MEMENU" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG%2CVIEW_STATE_TOGGLE">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="70" height="75" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_memenu" color="0x0516DED" tags="ICON_BORDER">

<region x="5" y="90" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="NAVIGATOR" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="70" height="75" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_navigator" color="0x0516DED" tags="ICON_BORDER">
 <region x="5" y="180" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="QUESTS" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG%2CVIEW_STATE_TOGGLE">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="70" height="75" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_quests" color="0x0516DED" tags="ICON_BORDER">

<region x="5" y="270" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="ACHIEVEMENTS" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="70" height="75" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_achievements" color="0x0516DED" tags="ICON_BORDER">

<region x="5" y="360" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="CATALOGUE" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="70" height="75" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_catalogue" color="0x0516DED" tags="ICON_BORDER">

 <region x="5" y="450" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="INVENTORY" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG%2CVIEW_STATE_TOGGLE">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="70" height="75" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_inventory" color="0x0516DED" tags="ICON_BORDER">

keep in mind that the colors that are in this code are blue and the me code is at top

Want a Reference to Where The Codes Are?
Here is a pretty complete list of all the layouts and skins


[ 100 ] - "inventory_subwindow_play_preview"
[ 1000 ] - "ctlg_info_pixels"
[ 1001 ] - "bubble_generic"
[ 1002 ] - "tab_content"
[ 1006 ] - "recyclerwidget"
[ 1007 ] - "chatlog"
[ 1011 ] - "purchase_confirmation"
[ 1016 ] - "achievement_notification_bonus"
[ 1017 ] - "habbo_window_layout_tooltip"
[ 1018 ] - "pet_commands_info"
[ 1019 ] - "help_itemlist_white_bg"
[ 1021 ] - "music_inventory_item"
[ 1026 ] - "hotel_view_window"
[ 1029 ] - "stickie"
[ 1033 ] - "avatarinfo"
[ 1034 ] - "pick_user_item"
[ 1037 ] - "friends_footer"
[ 1038 ] - "habbo_window_layout_scaler"
[ 1039 ] - "ros_stand_alone"
[ 104 ] - "ctlg_collectibles"
[ 1040 ] - "club_gift_preview"
[ 1041 ] - "open_issues"
[ 1043 ] - "room_view_container"
[ 1044 ] - "newuser_change_name"
[ 1045 ] - "roomchat_bubble_speak"
[ 1046 ] - "open_issues_list_item"
[ 1048 ] - "newuser_change_name"
[ 105 ] - "habbo_window_layout_header_3"
[ 1053 ] - "opened_to_web_popup"
[ 1056 ] - "item_popup"
[ 1058 ] - "effects_widget"
[ 106 ] - "ude_event"
[ 1068 ] - "ctlg_productpage1"
[ 1069 ] - "ctlg_productpage3"
[ 107 ] - "habbo_window_layout_frame"
[ 1071 ] - "ctlg_productpage2"
[ 1075 ] - "marketplace_offer_details"
[ 1077 ] - "ctlg_club_buy"
[ 1080 ] - "list_entry"
[ 1081 ] - "chatline"
[ 1084 ] - "ude_event"
[ 1085 ] - "rev_room_event_info"
[ 1087 ] - "ctlg_spaces_new"
[ 109 ] - "make_marketplace_offer"
[ 1090 ] - "ude_event"
[ 1091 ] - "ctlg_spaces"
[ 1093 ] - "clubbuywidget"
[ 1097 ] - "ctlg_pets2"
[ 1099 ] - "room_data"
[ 1105 ] - "purse_indicator_shells"
[ 1110 ] - "ctlg_trophies"
[ 1111 ] - "questtracker"
[ 1113 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 1114 ] - "purchasewidgetcreditspixelsstub"
[ 1122 ] - "grs_front_page_search_big"
[ 113 ] - "name_change"
[ 119 ] - "newuser_change_name"
[ 12 ] - "even_stream_display"
[ 122 ] - "group_info"
[ 123 ] - "chatinput_window"
[ 125 ] - "habbo_window_layout_scaler_3"
[ 131 ] - "memenu_main"
[ 132 ] - "ctlg_camera2"
[ 134 ] - "ctlg_camera1"
[ 135 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_shiny_large_5"
[ 137 ] - "progressbar"
[ 138 ] - "grs_front_page_search_small"
[ 139 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_shiny_large"
[ 140 ] - "habbo_window_layout_dropmenu_item"
[ 144 ] - "marketplace_offers_item"
[ 145 ] - "navigation_list_item"
[ 146 ] - "ude_event"
[ 147 ] - "club_buy_info_item"
[ 149 ] - "playlist_item"
[ 15 ] - "club_promo_bar"
[ 155 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 156 ] - "ctlg_pixelsdeals"
[ 157 ] - "logout"
[ 159 ] - "minimized_menu"
[ 161 ] - "navigator_highlighter"
[ 162 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_thick"
[ 169 ] - "questcampaign"
[ 171 ] - "ude_event"
[ 172 ] - "marketplace_search_simple"
[ 175 ] - "iro_tag"
[ 176 ] - "ctlg_frontpage1"
[ 181 ] - "ctlg_frontpage3"
[ 182 ] - "ctlg_frontpage2"
[ 183 ] - "inventory_subwindow_get_more_music"
[ 184 ] - "bar"
[ 185 ] - "trophy"
[ 187 ] - "ctlg_cars"
[ 188 ] - "entity"
[ 190 ] - "chatlog_roomheader"
[ 194 ] - "habbo_window_confirm"
[ 207 ] - "start_panel"
[ 209 ] - "tab_entry"
[ 21 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_black"
[ 213 ] - "notification"
[ 217 ] - "roomchat_bubble_speak"
[ 218 ] - "habbo_crasher_dialog"
[ 22 ] - "friend_request_entry"
[ 222 ] - "thumbnail"
[ 226 ] - "purse_indicator_credits"
[ 227 ] - "habbo_login_dialog"
[ 228 ] - "ctlg_info_credits"
[ 231 ] - "open_petpackage"
[ 232 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 233 ] - "video_offer_promo_bar"
[ 235 ] - "boygirl"
[ 236 ] - "memenu_effects"
[ 24 ] - "packagecard"
[ 243 ] - "notification"
[ 246 ] - "ctlg_pixeleffects"
[ 249 ] - "habbo_window_layout_dropmenu"
[ 252 ] - "charge_confirmation"
[ 253 ] - "pick_user"
[ 257 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 262 ] - "search_footer"
[ 263 ] - "inventory_furni_grid"
[ 264 ] - "memenu_dance"
[ 266 ] - "inventory_trading"
[ 267 ] - "help_cfh_abusive"
[ 268 ] - "habbo_simple_window_layout"
[ 27 ] - "new_items_label"
[ 271 ] - "pet_commands"
[ 272 ] - "ecotron_box_card"
[ 273 ] - "spaces"
[ 275 ] - "ctlg_loading"
[ 276 ] - "marketplace_offers_item"
[ 277 ] - "habbo_orderinfo_dialog"
[ 278 ] - "ude_event"
[ 279 ] - "strip_club_items_dialog"
[ 284 ] - "parkbus_notification"
[ 286 ] - "habbo_window_alert"
[ 288 ] - "habbo_window_layout_dropmenu"
[ 289 ] - "catalog"
[ 290 ] - "habbo_window_layout_header"
[ 292 ] - "badge_entity"
[ 293 ] - "achievements"
[ 294 ] - "search_entry"
[ 295 ] - "welcome_gift_unverified_email"
[ 296 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button"
[ 299 ] - "poll"
[ 302 ] - "palette_item"
[ 305 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_thick_black"
[ 307 ] - "effectviewwidget"
[ 308 ] - "ctlg_recycler"
[ 309 ] - "specialinfowidget"
[ 31 ] - "newuser_frame"
[ 310 ] - "start_panel"
[ 313 ] - "image"
[ 315 ] - "open_issues"
[ 319 ] - "traxpreviewwidget"
[ 32 ] - "user_tag"
[ 320 ] - "user_tag_highlighted"
[ 324 ] - "navigation_list_item"
[ 328 ] - "friend_requests_footer"
[ 329 ] - "passwd_input"
[ 333 ] - "marketplace_no_credits"
[ 338 ] - "purchasewidgetbuyvipstub"
[ 340 ] - "buy_marketplace_tokens"
[ 341 ] - "navigator_guest_room_details_short"
[ 343 ] - "credit_redeem"
[ 347 ] - "simple_alert"
[ 348 ] - "ude_help"
[ 35 ] - "roc_flat_controller"
[ 350 ] - "roomtool_frame"
[ 358 ] - "packagecard"
[ 363 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_shiny"
[ 366 ] - "help_category"
[ 37 ] - "habbo_window_layout_tab_button_black"
[ 374 ] - "thumbnail"
[ 378 ] - "messenger_main_window"
[ 38 ] - "poll_cancel_confim"
[ 386 ] - "poll_answer_checkbox_input"
[ 39 ] - "habbo_window_layout_header_black"
[ 392 ] - "poll_answer_text_input"
[ 393 ] - "habbo_window_layout_tab_context"
[ 395 ] - "tablet_window_layout_button"
[ 396 ] - "room_queue"
[ 397 ] - "login_user_list_item"
[ 399 ] - "user_info_frame"
[ 401 ] - "gift_wrapping"
[ 407 ] - "poll_offer"
[ 409 ] - "tablet_window_layout_tab_context"
[ 410 ] - "doorbell"
[ 413 ] - "teaser_general"
[ 415 ] - "gift_wrapping"
[ 416 ] - "help_back_button"
[ 418 ] - "habbo_window_layout_badge"
[ 422 ] - "ude_event"
[ 424 ] - "main_window"
[ 425 ] - "grs_hot_room_details"
[ 426 ] - "habbo_window_layout_dropmenu_item"
[ 427 ] - "chooser_view"
[ 43 ] - "poll_answer_radiobutton_input"
[ 434 ] - "club_buy_info_item"
[ 435 ] - "singleviewwidget"
[ 440 ] - "grs_official_room_row"
[ 441 ] - "help_cfh_pick_topic"
[ 445 ] - "newuser_change_name"
[ 450 ] - "inventory_furni_base"
[ 451 ] - "ctlg_pets2"
[ 455 ] - "tablet_window_layout_dropmenu_item"
[ 457 ] - "dimmer_ui"
[ 458 ] - "message"
[ 459 ] - "poll_question"
[ 462 ] - "ctlg_default_3x3_extrainfo"
[ 466 ] - "color_chooser_cell"
[ 467 ] - "usercount"
[ 470 ] - "avatareditor"
[ 473 ] - "marketplace_sold_item"
[ 474 ] - "marketplace_expired_item"
[ 477 ] - "purchase_confirmation"
[ 478 ] - "quests"
[ 48 ] - "vote_choice"
[ 482 ] - "ude_event"
[ 483 ] - "questentry"
[ 484 ] - "avatareditor_wardrobe"
[ 485 ] - "teaser_general"
[ 487 ] - "productviewwidget"
[ 488 ] - "help_faq_entry"
[ 490 ] - "list_item_list"
[ 494 ] - "pet_view"
[ 496 ] - "welcome_gift_unverified_email"
[ 498 ] - "purse_indicator_pixels"
[ 504 ] - "furni_view_branding_element"
[ 505 ] - "catalog"
[ 509 ] - "ude_event"
[ 51 ] - "simple_alert"
[ 512 ] - "pagelink"
[ 516 ] - "habbo_window_layout_scrollbar_vertical"
[ 52 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 521 ] - "avatareditorgrids"
[ 523 ] - "habbo_window_layout_scrollbar_horizontal"
[ 528 ] - "habbo_window_layout_tab_context_3"
[ 529 ] - "quest"
[ 53 ] - "grs_main_window"
[ 530 ] - "ctlg_layout3"
[ 531 ] - "ctlg_layout2"
[ 533 ] - "ctlg_layout1"
[ 535 ] - "avatareditorcontent"
[ 536 ] - "purse_indicator_credits"
[ 537 ] - "quest"
[ 54 ] - "help_send_cfh"
[ 540 ] - "purchasewidgetcreditsstub"
[ 542 ] - "habbo_orderinfo_cantbuycredits"
[ 543 ] - "entity"
[ 544 ] - "help_cfh_pick_topic_item3"
[ 546 ] - "chooser_item"
[ 547 ] - "start_panel"
[ 550 ] - "trophy_general"
[ 552 ] - "logout_confirmation"
[ 553 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 555 ] - "playlist_subwindow_play_now"
[ 556 ] - "furni_view"
[ 559 ] - "teaser_general"
[ 560 ] - "memenu_main"
[ 561 ] - "unseen_item_symbol"
[ 565 ] - "trophywidget"
[ 569 ] - "thumbnail"
[ 57 ] - "tablet_window_layout_button_thick"
[ 574 ] - "questtracker"
[ 578 ] - "ude_event"
[ 579 ] - "ctlg_soundmachine"
[ 581 ] - "context_menu_widget"
[ 586 ] - "purchase_confirmation"
[ 588 ] - "extend_confirmation"
[ 59 ] - "roc_room_thumbnail"
[ 590 ] - "controls"
[ 591 ] - "achievementcategory"
[ 593 ] - "quest"
[ 596 ] - "friendrequesttab"
[ 599 ] - "ude_event"
[ 602 ] - "habbo_orderinfo_dialog"
[ 603 ] - "color_chooser_cell"
[ 605 ] - "help_cfh_thanks"
[ 608 ] - "habbo_window_layout_tab_button"
[ 610 ] - "memenu_clothes"
[ 611 ] - "issue_handler_message_list_item"
[ 612 ] - "teaser_general"
[ 615 ] - "ude_event"
[ 618 ] - "help_itemlist_item_urgent"
[ 625 ] - "ctlg_presents"
[ 627 ] - "ude_event"
[ 628 ] - "club_buy_info_item"
[ 629 ] - "habbo_window_layout_frame_3"
[ 630 ] - "ctlg_club1"
[ 631 ] - "name_change"
[ 632 ] - "ctlg_club2"
[ 638 ] - "chatline"
[ 639 ] - "roc_create_room"
[ 641 ] - "extension_grid"
[ 642 ] - "purchasewidgetbuyclubstub"
[ 644 ] - "habbo_orderinfo_nocredits"
[ 645 ] - "habbo_profiler_task"
[ 647 ] - "avatareditor_legs_base"
[ 649 ] - "ctlg_monkey"
[ 650 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_shiny_thick"
[ 656 ] - "ctlg_infopage2"
[ 658 ] - "ctlg_infopage1"
[ 659 ] - "tp_newuser_arrow"
[ 66 ] - "open_issues_list_item"
[ 663 ] - "ude_event"
[ 668 ] - "achievement_notification"
[ 673 ] - "tablet_window_layout_dropmenu"
[ 675 ] - "tablet_window_layout_tab_button"
[ 678 ] - "inventory_furni_base"
[ 683 ] - "badge_details"
[ 686 ] - "help_itemlist_item"
[ 687 ] - "help_pending_cfh"
[ 688 ] - "iro_tag"
[ 689 ] - "memenu_effect_selected"
[ 693 ] - "habbo_orderinfo_receiver_suggestion"
[ 696 ] - "avatareditor_torso_base"
[ 697 ] - "pick_topic"
[ 698 ] - "ctlg_mad_money"
[ 699 ] - "habbo_window_layout_scrollable_itemlist"
[ 703 ] - "start_panel"
[ 706 ] - "pet_command"
[ 707 ] - "recyclerwidget"
[ 708 ] - "ude_event"
[ 709 ] - "spectator_mode"
[ 71 ] - "inventory_trading_minimized"
[ 710 ] - "ude_event"
[ 711 ] - "wardrobe_slot"
[ 715 ] - "tab_entry"
[ 717 ] - "ctlg_productpage2b"
[ 718 ] - "newuser_frame"
[ 719 ] - "marketplacewidget"
[ 723 ] - "doorbell"
[ 725 ] - "rev_room_event"
[ 727 ] - "memenu_effect_unselected"
[ 728 ] - "grid_purse"
[ 73 ] - "ctlg_pixelrent"
[ 730 ] - "issue_handler"
[ 732 ] - "ctlg_pets"
[ 735 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_shiny_black"
[ 736 ] - "marketplace_search_simple"
[ 742 ] - "ctlg_norares"
[ 743 ] - "memenu"
[ 745 ] - "open_issues_list_item"
[ 75 ] - "room_desktop_layout"
[ 750 ] - "thumbnail"
[ 755 ] - "instant_friend_request"
[ 756 ] - "open_issues"
[ 759 ] - "inventory_badges"
[ 766 ] - "ctlg_trophies"
[ 77 ] - "packagecard"
[ 771 ] - "furni_view"
[ 772 ] - "newuser_call_guidebot"
[ 773 ] - "ctlg_productpage3b"
[ 780 ] - "roomicon_editors"
[ 784 ] - "recyclerprizeswidgetlevelitem"
[ 785 ] - "roomsettings"
[ 786 ] - "friendrequeststab"
[ 797 ] - "toolbar_view_squeezed"
[ 799 ] - "bundlegrid"
[ 804 ] - "welcome_gift_widget"
[ 807 ] - "inventory"
[ 808 ] - "issue_browser"
[ 813 ] - "habbo_window_layout_button_shiny_thick_black"
[ 815 ] - "ctlg_pixeldeals"
[ 817 ] - "roomchat_bubble_shout"
[ 818 ] - "ros_room_delete_confirm"
[ 820 ] - "issue_handler_issue_info"
[ 821 ] - "habbo_window_alert"
[ 824 ] - "playlist_subwindow_nowplaying"
[ 826 ] - "habbo_window_layout_bubble"
[ 828 ] - "context_menu_widget"
[ 829 ] - "ude_event"
[ 834 ] - "new_items_counter"
[ 836 ] - "club_buy_info_item"
[ 837 ] - "ctlg_plasto"
[ 839 ] - "roc_vip_promo"
[ 841 ] - "newuser_change_name"
[ 844 ] - "newuser_change_name"
[ 845 ] - "avatar_popup"
[ 846 ] - "achievement"
[ 848 ] - "purchase_confirmation"
[ 849 ] - "pursewidget"
[ 854 ] - "purchasewidgetpixelsstub"
[ 855 ] - "simple_alert"
[ 856 ] - "ctlg_marketplace"
[ 857 ] - "recyclerwidget"
[ 86 ] - "message_tester"
[ 863 ] - "memenu_dance_button"
[ 864 ] - "memenu_effects"
[ 866 ] - "nav_error_popup"
[ 869 ] - "inventory_furni_preview_b"
[ 871 ] - "grs_popular_tag_row"
[ 876 ] - "ctlg_recycler_prizes"
[ 877 ] - "habbo_profiler_dialog_2"
[ 878 ] - "habbo_window_layout_tab_button_3"
[ 885 ] - "ctlg_default_3x3"
[ 886 ] - "new_items_counter"
[ 888 ] - "room_interstitial"
[ 891 ] - "help_front_page"
[ 895 ] - "teaser_general"
[ 898 ] - "user_info"
[ 899 ] - "playlist_subwindow_add_songs"
[ 90 ] - "avatareditor_wardrobe_base"
[ 900 ] - "facebook"
[ 902 ] - "ude_event"
[ 904 ] - "inventory_effects"
[ 905 ] - "griditem"
[ 906 ] - "friend_remove_confirm"
[ 908 ] - "ctlg_purse"
[ 912 ] - "roomvisits_frame"
[ 914 ] - "notifications_browser"
[ 917 ] - "newuser_name_suggestion_item"
[ 92 ] - "help_frame"
[ 920 ] - "avatareditor_club_promo_try"
[ 921 ] - "marketplaceownitemswidget"
[ 923 ] - "memenu_effect_unselected"
[ 929 ] - "room_invite_confirm"
[ 93 ] - "ude_event"
[ 930 ] - "newuser_change_clothes"
[ 933 ] - "avatareditor_head_base"
[ 934 ] - "help_faq_categories"
[ 935 ] - "habbo_orderinfo_dialog"
[ 937 ] - "friend_entry"
[ 938 ] - "roc_hc_promo"
[ 939 ] - "ude_main"
[ 943 ] - "teaser_general"
[ 946 ] - "ctrl_info_credits"
[ 947 ] - "itemgridwidget"
[ 951 ] - "furni_view"
[ 956 ] - "avatareditor_generic_base"
[ 957 ] - "navigator_guest_room_details_long"
[ 959 ] - "marketplacewidget"
[ 960 ] - "redeemitemcodewidget"
[ 961 ] - "welcome_gift_widget"
[ 963 ] - "suggestion_list_item"
[ 964 ] - "ctlg_presents"
[ 967 ] - "toggle"
[ 969 ] - "chat_history_pulldown"
[ 97 ] - "purchasewidgetupgradevipstub"
[ 972 ] - "ctlg_marketplace"
[ 973 ] - "questengine"
[ 974 ] - "purchasewidget"
[ 975 ] - "navigator_guest_room_thumbnail"
[ 976 ] - "main_window"
[ 978 ] - "marketplace_ongoing_item"
[ 983 ] - "memenu_dance"
[ 987 ] - "habbo_window_layout_alert" version="0.0"
[ 989 ] - "entryarrows"
[ 990 ] - "avatareditor_club_promo_buy"
[ 992 ] - "start_panel"
[ 993 ] - "userview_test"
[ 996 ] - "habbo_login_dialog"

The skins

[ 1010 ] - "border_5"
[ 1013 ] - "default_scaler_skin"
[ 1014 ] - "border_white"
[ 1061 ] - "default_button_skin"
[ 1062 ] - "white_close_button_skin"
[ 1064 ] - "white_button_group_right_skin"
[ 1066 ] - "tab_content_skin_3"
[ 1072 ] - "close_button_skin_3"
[ 1094 ] - "white_radio_button_skin"
[ 1108 ] - "default_scrollbar_skin_3"
[ 1115 ] - "white_button_group_center_skin"
[ 1117 ] - "border_8"
[ 1123 ] - "dropmenu_skin_black"
[ 129 ] - "white_default_button_skin"
[ 136 ] - "bubble_skin"
[ 148 ] - "thick_button_skin"
[ 192 ] - "whitescaler_skin"
[ 205 ] - "tooltip_skin"
[ 247 ] - "button_group_right_skin"
[ 30 ] - "header_skin"
[ 312 ] - "icon_set_skin"
[ 327 ] - "thumb_border_skin"
[ 335 ] - "large_button_shiny_skin"
[ 339 ] - "white_button_group_left_skin"
[ 34 ] - "bubble_pointer_left_skin"
[ 359 ] - "tab_button_skin"
[ 36 ] - "thick_button_shiny_skin"
[ 369 ] - "black_tab_button_skin"
[ 370 ] - "black_default_button_skin"
[ 373 ] - "white_tab_button_skin"
[ 391 ] - "tab_button_skin_3"
[ 402 ] - "button_group_center_skin"
[ 41 ] - "black_scaler_skin"
[ 433 ] - "black_close_button_skin"
[ 446 ] - "black_default_button_shiny_skin"
[ 475 ] - "bubble_pointer_right_skin"
[ 486 ] - "black_button_group_left_skin"
[ 511 ] - "black_button_group_right_skin"
[ 575 ] - "thick_button_skin_black"
[ 597 ] - "black_button_group_center_skin"
[ 607 ] - "border_7"
[ 63 ] - "border_6"
[ 633 ] - "close_button_skin"
[ 646 ] - "black_checkbox_button_skin"
[ 666 ] - "radio_button_skin"
[ 682 ] - "button_group_left_skin"
[ 695 ] - "tab_context_skin"
[ 714 ] - "black_radio_button_skin"
[ 747 ] - "button_shiny_skin"
[ 753 ] - "colorless_border_skin"
[ 757 ] - "bubble_pointer_up_skin"
[ 758 ] - "default_scrollbar_skin"
[ 789 ] - "default_frame_3_skin"
[ 792 ] - "plain_text_skin"
[ 809 ] - "habbo"
[ 811 ] - "thick_button_skin_white"
[ 838 ] - "black_scrollbar_skin"
[ 840 ] - "dropmenu_skin"
[ 847 ] - "bubble_pointer_down_skin"
[ 88 ] - "black_border_skin"
[ 897 ] - "default_scaler_3_skin"
[ 916 ] - "border_4"
[ 918 ] - "default_frame_skin"
[ 962 ] - "white_checkbox_button_skin"
[ 966 ] - "header_skin_3"
[ 984 ] - "checkbox_button_skin"
[ 99 ] - "thick_button_shiny_skin_black"

Want to Replace the "Shorty" Text with Users Credits amount?
I'm baaaaaack with a new trick , if im not wrong somebody asked on this thread how to replace shortys text with your credits amount now here it is :)

Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

and now for the tut its simple just search for userview in habbo ui editor and replace all with this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout name="userview_test" width="1036" height="400" version="0.1" uid="916CDC65-D95D-1AC5-9172-DB0596D944A4">
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        <var key="spacing" value="10" type="int"/>

and i dont have hof_furni and c_images on my localhost hotel thats why everything is blank

Want to Create the Old Bottom Bar?
hey guys its not amazing but here's the previous version of the toolbar its not amazing but its better then just the text saying "friend list" but with this one you see the icon heres an preview

Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

now in habbo UI search for the habbo-184.bin and put this code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout name="bar" width="240" height="48" version="0.1" uid="E46A6973-413D-5D82-6EAD-8F731754461B">
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        <region x="74" y="17" width="123" height="16" params="409665" style="0" name="link_friendlist" color="0x1111000000" background="true" visible="false">
            <text x="0" y="0" width="123" height="16" params="16" style="0" name="label_friendlist" caption="%24%7Bfriendbar.link.friendlist%7D">
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                <var key="auto_size" value="left" type="String"/>
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                <var key="bitmap_asset_name" value="stream" type="String"/>

How to Add the Purse to Your Catalouge
here's another tut
Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

code is here replace it with catalog_frontpage3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout name="ctlg_frontpage3" width="20" height="20" version="0.0">
    <container x="0" y="0" width="339" height="415" params="17" style="0" name="ctlg_purse">
        <bitmap x="27" y="9" width="292" height="150" params="16" style="0" name="ctlg_header_img"/>
        <text x="34" y="189" width="175" height="96" params="16" style="0" name="ctlg_header_text">
            <var key="font_face" value="Volter" type="String"/>
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        <text x="200" y="128" width="104" height="30" params="16" style="0" name="ctlg_special_txt">
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            <text x="15" y="65" width="133" height="10" params="16" style="0" name="purse_info_tickets">
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            <button x="170" y="45" width="100" height="25" params="393233" style="0" name="coins_btn" caption="%24%7Bpurse_buy_coins%7D" width_max="100"/>
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            <text x="128" y="15" width="65" height="20" params="16" style="0" name="purse_amount">
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            <text x="190" y="20" width="93" height="12" params="16" style="0" name="bg" caption="%24%7Bpurse_coins%7D">
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        <bitmap x="23" y="277" width="44" height="43" params="16" style="0" name="purse_big" tags="STATIC_IMAGE"/>
How to Make the Sexiest Style Ever
well its easy
just replace your toolbar_view_squeezed with this code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout name="toolbar_view_squeezed" width="86" height="540" version="0.1" uid="DCDDEEF2-C4A0-824D-6E40-92192B4EE329" visible="false">
   <container x="0" y="0" width="1000" height="70" params="1" style="6" name="main_toolbar" color="0x079756e" tags="FIT%3Atoolbar" height_max="70">
        <DropShadowFilter distance="3" alpha="0.6"/>

well Gaypride and i worked on this , there are some bugs like the achievements and catalog but i may be looking for a fix but for now im learning c#

<border x="450" y="0" width="540" height="70" params="1" style="6" name="images_spacer" color="0x079756e" >

        <region x="180" y="0" width="76" height="80" params="17" style="0" name="NAVIGATOR" background="true" treshold="0" tags="ICON_REG%2CFIT%3AtoolbarNavigator">
            <border x="3" y="5" width="58" height="58" params="2064" style="2" name="bg_navigator" color="0x057544d" tags="ICON_BORDER">
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            <text x="1" y="63" width="76" height="17" params="263184" style="0" name="text_shadow" caption="%24%7Btoolbar.icon.label.navigator%7D"  visible="false">
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                <var key="auto_size" value="center" type="String"/>
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you need to edit the color and x and y and you need to add a second one of that and edit the x and y to let it be right under the other one and add a lighter color then the one above it and bam :) , you will not understand this maybe , if not i will release the full toolbar code then

i am currently editing the toolbar to make it horizontal cause i dont wanna keep it for my self and i probally think im the only one who found out how to do it ( i dont count dominic cause he may have found out how to do it already)

OK im back with the most amazing style ever , here is what a did :eek:
dont hate ok

Mithex - SWF Styling - RaGEZONE Forums

and yes i will release it soon

and in the future i will try the one from iajaran

Special Thanks to Everyone Who Posted Quick Tricks!
Special Thanks to Resource Who Posted Almost All The Quick Tricks!
Last edited:
Thanks for the memories!
Loyal Member
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
I will work on it Sean. System, lets just say I swallowed my pride an you will figure out what I mean in a few days (talking about why you de-repped me)

By the way, who are you?

Added a Quick tip to help a few people out ;)
Last edited:
Master Summoner
Sep 9, 2011
Reaction score
Yayyy, I was wondering who has this "Navigator", now I can do it myself,
Thank-you Mithex, Mr.tutorials
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks Mithex! Will try this out soon.


C# Programmer
Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
Thank's for the detailed tutorial ;)
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
width="325" height="474" for alert and catalogue ..... the with and the height for it!!!
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