Sword of the new world! (aka Granado Espada)

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Winner of the 2006 Grand Award for Best Game in Korea, Granado Espada, which will be titled Sword of the New World (Sword of the New World) in the U.S. is developed by famed developer Hakkyu Kim, the creator of Ragnarok Online.
Rightnow Singapore edition closed beta test is soon open and the global version will release in this summer. Just got my invitation of SG, anybody here join in or wanna discuss about it?

Game Title: Sword of the new world (aka Granado Espada)
Genre: Fantasy
Status: Closed Beta Test
Developer: IMC games
Publisher: Hanbitsoft
Official website: Singapore version * Global version
Client size: 2.6GB
Client download: HERE

Photo Channel: Click
Game Trailers: Click
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I wanna play
Gimme a invite too plz :P
If u are able to do that ofc..
This was already posted..and the English version isn't out.
I tried getting in game. But the login button and stuff are just blank with no text o.O
I've started playing last night at around 12 hehe. Its fun game I dont want to play to much or I'll end up not wanting to play on launch. *dont ask for my account because I wont give it away*
Hmm yea i got 2 closed beta accounts, just what i hate is the downloading of it, its such a fking pain, i love this game to bits ever since i playe d the korean version, i recently got into the jap version1 got to lvl 45 and this game is not a grindfest its so easy to lvl the game is the best to date i have to say. i mean who wouldnt want to control 3 chars in the age the game is set it, the graphics are the best i have seen for awhile for a MMORPG.Sound has to be the best for me, i love the sound, quests are fun as hell. recruiting new Playable char is really good thing and propably never seen in a MMORPG to date that is good.

another K2 server, hope they will do a better job on this game
Any body with an extra account? i got the beta client and i got my account on public forum which end up very bad cause they always delete my char every other day. If you have please pm me.
btw good game, except the movement is very slow.