md stop lyin ya dont like neos music lol cos its crap
and nic i think eminem made that song crap
cos pac would never ride wiv him cos hes a cracka lol

Tupac said:md stop lyin ya dont like neos music lol cos its crapand nic i think eminem made that song crap
cos pac would never ride wiv him cos hes a cracka lol
Tupac said:lol nah Ja Fools gay i only liked 1 song by him lol, n like 50 cent they both try to be pac and it aint happenin lol but 50's quite good
Tupac said:lol in many men he says i want youz to love me like youz love pac
Tupac said:him and cracka eminem remixin his songs they make them crap lol and wiv nas pac didnt even like nas and nas goes yea me n pac where tight lol
and it was "I want them to love me like they love Pac" from in da club not many men he says summit else about pac on dat
Originally posted by Tupac
he always trys to copy him and do the same things as pac did.
DonTonberry said:You Do, Called 2pac And 50Cent Now Shut It Longy :tp:
he remixed more songs then hail mary lol, he trys to be all ard cos he thinks he is pac lolNik-C said:1. If your on about Hail Mary remix, that was in defense of Pac, Not copying anythin except the beat WHICH WAS DEFENDING PAC.
2. What the fuck has Nas got to do with it
3. Saying sominthin about a Dead Famous Rapper does not mean
Does it?![]()
Tupac said:he remixed more songs then hail mary lol, he trys to be all ard cos he thinks he is pac lol
and he can say him now and again but hes obsesed i bet he wakes up in the mornin and thinks think pac would look good in this and don
shurrup boipac ownz ya crap dance shit or what eva it is lol
Tupac said:he remixed more songs then hail mary lol, he trys to be all ard cos he thinks he is pac lol
Originally posted by Tupac
and don shurrup boipac ownz ya crap dance shit or what eva it is lol
DonTonberry said:You.... Hmmm
Ejit Catholic Altar Boy Who Lives A Sparsley Populated Village Called Darwen... :tp: