talisman online Full server+client files

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2010
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doesnt matter if its 32bit or 64 bit but i use 32bit(i donno why) yeah make sure its 9.10

I ended up not needing to do this, thanks to the wonderful folks at the ubuntu forums. You can download the appropriate package from one of the older ubuntu distros, extract the lib files you need, and copy them into the correct folder (for many, this is /usr/lib32).

Everything is working fine now so far. servers all connected with no issues, and I was able to log in, create a character, and run around.

Now for the altering and testing phases woohoo.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 24, 2010
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Gzzz mate btw can u tell me how to edit item shop?? and my combination is upto +20 how can i limit it?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 1, 2004
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Haha This is not a problem or mistake, just 10 minutes and the program guides you'll be able to do everything

i have litle problem, when i make my computer to be a server i can't play this game from lan, but my friends can play this game out of lan. Can you tell me what must i do? but if i'm using program to change my ip, i can connect to the game.

Look for IP and Such little information from me to see how you created the database or whatever you typed the ip, just create a file to open the database editor textu ordinary and change your ip, inside, the other ip "client" to change the lan ip.

tell me guide on making talisman p-server please. Send it to hughdaniel17@live.com

First look my tutorial to setup Linux !!
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 20, 2009
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I have a little problem on the combination of items, whenever I try to combine and combine +9 +10 item to ever go back to +0. Can someone help me configure?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 1, 2004
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Files Server 207
The files are configured carried with me everywhere just change your IP IP LAN or WAN, Server running, I'm finishing now processed all the video tutorial that shows step by step.

Navicat Lite for Linux

Evp and crack (Crack is Virus)

Linux Ubuntu 9.10

Client game by Talizman Of Planets (Works fine)

Good Luck i go to play
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 1, 2006
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hello, please upload the video tutorial or step by step guide on how to make a server as soon as possible. I need to know that Linux must be installed and configurations performed. I appreciate the help! Thank you very much!
excuse my English, I use translator.


hola, por favor sube el video tutorial o una guia paso a paso de como hacer un servidor lo mas pronto posible. necesito saber que linux hay que instalar y las configuraciones a realizar. te agradezco la ayuda! Muchas Gracias!
disculpe mi ingles, uso traductor.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 24, 2010
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I know i havent been much helpful cuz i was just doign what i had read on the forum..but i dont think PROs here wanna tell me how to edit itemshop cuz whatever i do the items still show up in the shop and no matter what i do drop rate and exp rate stays the same ..any help is appreciated
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 22, 2010
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I've successfully install the game server on my computer [playing on lan area], but when I installing this server on VPS can not be successful and this error message appears:
root@empece:/home/serverkimpet/game# ./game_server
[12:36:54 INFO] Base initialized.
[12:36:54 INFO] net device startup ok
[12:36:54 INFO]         FDSetSize       = 1024
[12:36:54 INFO]         Version         = 110
[12:36:54 INFO]         SendBufferSize  = 16384
[12:36:54 INFO]         RecvBufferSize  = 87380
[12:36:54 ERRO] LOG_PROCESS_ERROR(s_apvPrepareBufNpc[i]) at line 1000                                                         in unsupported.
[12:36:54 ERRO] LOG_PROCESS_ERROR(s_apvPrepareBufNpc[i]) at line 1000                                                         in unsupported.
[12:36:55 ERRO] no sn 1.
[12:36:55 INFO] Connected to the db server successfully.
[12:36:55 INFO] Connected to the db server successfully.
[12:36:55 INFO] Connected to the db server successfully.
[12:36:55 INFO] Connected to the login server successfully.
[12:36:57 INFO] Register SUCCEEDED
[12:36:57 INFO] PK is ENABLED
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=252 npc=4392
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=5642 npc=4837
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=5646 npc=4837
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=5643 npc=4838
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=5647 npc=4838
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=5644 npc=4840
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=5645 npc=4840
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=6047 npc=4936
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=6048 npc=5166
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=6050 npc=5167
[12:36:59 ERRO] can not find drop class, ID=6049 npc=5168
[12:37:02 WARN] Npc [5688] is Patrol Type, Path Not Found
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
CPU frequency too BIG
(no, base did not initialize. yes, i removed the pid files)

I had the server running fine when I had not made any changes to the evps.

The evp and crack tool seems to increase the size of the evp files when it repacks them by quite a bit, I suppose this could be the problem, but I have no idea how to prevent it from doing that. The changes I made were minor, only to the config.lua file.

I've read 4-5 people having this problem, where the evp repacks the files almost double the size (most of these people now have their servers running fairly well so there must be a way around it)... one person responded to remove the old evp file and repack from folder.

I've been creating a folder, extracting the data.evp into that folder, so that the original data.evp is in a completely separate place on my computer. I repack the data.evp from the folder that I extracted it into... should I be doing something differently?

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance!

When I get all of this sorted out, I will be getting a megaupload account...on which I will upload my server files, as well as server files for 207. So...the faster someone helps me fix my problem, the faster I can get the rest of you a long lasting download link for 207, please help me <3
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score

I have not seen this problem before but I admit I read the log comes to mind - have changed the IP address in the database before you created it to SQL?

Hym say so I do not know English too well and I tell you I do not understand what your problem? including that your files are packed EVP are repeated for a large size?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
hehehe yes 22.02.1985

OK now I finish processing all your movies in HD, today I will no longer be available on my youtube channel, the videos will not comment but unfortunately only in Polish but I tried to show everything that everyone knew what was going on, videos show everything from installing Linux on Talk to our client-launcher to connect to our server.
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