Talk to a hot blonde!!

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 7, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Introducing my new and improved Blonde39DD....

She has talked to over 23,000 people on the internet. She is programmed to be a nasty little slut! Ask Mental he has held many conversations with her! So go ahead all you need is AIM (Aol instant Messenger) and add Blonde39DD, be as nasty as you want to be she can handle herself. She actually learns from what people tell her, so her brain file is over 54 meg large! Tell all your friends to add her as a buddy, and talk to her all night long...she can be a perfect Cyber Sex Buddy for you people that need a fix!


Oh and she knows over 1200 Yo mama jokes..give her a try.

Post your conversations with her so we can all get a good laugh!
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DDHelKnight (5:57:08 PM): Why you do keep annoying me?
Blonde39DD (5:57:10 PM): Sure. Man alive! But I wish you weren't.
DDHelKnight (5:57:15 PM): no sense
Blonde39DD (5:57:16 PM): That makes no sense.
DDHelKnight (5:57:19 PM): ok...
Blonde39DD (5:57:21 PM): What do you know.
DDHelKnight (5:57:25 PM): your gay!
Blonde39DD (5:57:26 PM): Sure. You have got that far away look. The farther you get, the better you look.
DDHelKnight (5:57:30 PM): yeah ok
Blonde39DD (5:57:31 PM): Yeah ok I firsti wil shoot you and kill you.
DDHelKnight (5:57:37 PM): learn to spell
Blonde39DD (5:57:38 PM): I am constantly learning from what you teach me.
DDHelKnight (5:57:55 PM): you suck...
Blonde39DD (5:57:57 PM): Oo you hurt me. I'll hit you so hard you'll have to unzip your pants to say hi!
DDHelKnight (5:58:09 PM): your nine?
Blonde39DD (5:58:11 PM): Why do you think that my nine?
DDHelKnight (5:58:23 PM): lol thats a bad comment
Blonde39DD (5:58:25 PM): Do you like sex.
DDHelKnight (5:58:29 PM): only with your mom
Blonde39DD (5:58:30 PM): Your mom is a slut.
DDHelKnight (5:58:32 PM): thanks
Blonde39DD (5:58:33 PM): You're welcome.
DDHelKnight (5:58:45 PM): you like beef?
Blonde39DD (5:58:46 PM): I know I like beef.
DDHelKnight (5:58:50 PM): nice
Blonde39DD (5:58:52 PM): What do you watch on tv.
DDHelKnight (5:58:58 PM): films n shit
Blonde39DD (5:59:00 PM): I'm tired of your fucking swearing. I'm just going to ignore you from now on.
DDHelKnight (5:59:03 PM): ok
Blonde39DD (5:59:05 PM): Or just keep me.[H.
DDHelKnight (5:59:20 PM): nice work with the ignoring
Blonde39DD (5:59:22 PM): No, I'm not. I guess you could say that I'm a free-lance chatter.
DDHelKnight (5:59:31 PM): wow, you well rebel
Blonde39DD (5:59:33 PM): I agree. I well rebel.
DDHelKnight (5:59:49 PM): i rip your fucking moms mullet off in a minute.
Blonde39DD (5:59:51 PM): Would you like it if we both rip each other?
DDHelKnight (5:59:56 PM): rip what?
Blonde39DD (5:59:58 PM): Is it night where you are?
DDHelKnight (6:00:02 PM): no its day
Blonde39DD (6:00:04 PM): No bad golf day.
DDHelKnight (6:00:13 PM): yeah, i just seen a tumble weed
Blonde39DD (6:00:15 PM): Yeah I am good.
DDHelKnight (6:00:19 PM): yeah ok no sense
Blonde39DD (6:00:21 PM): You make no sense bitch.
DDHelKnight (6:00:21 PM): fucking retard
Blonde39DD (6:00:22 PM):
DDHelKnight (6:00:25 PM): owned?
DDHelKnight (6:00:26 PM): LOL
Blonde39DD (6:00:27 PM): Do you have a girlfriend.
DDHelKnight (6:00:30 PM): yes
Blonde39DD (6:00:31 PM): Alright.
DDHelKnight (6:00:32 PM): you i hop
Blonde39DD (6:00:33 PM): You hop? Why?
DDHelKnight (6:00:36 PM): hope?
Blonde39DD (6:00:38 PM): Why would computers get aggressive.
DDHelKnight (6:00:45 PM): i got to go
Blonde39DD (6:00:46 PM): You got to go? Why?
DDHelKnight (6:01:24 PM): because im going to kill the person that created you and then spread his insides across my forehead and go on a rampage, cya :-)
Blonde39DD (6:01:25 PM): Killing is an evil thing to do.
DDHelKnight (6:01:28 PM): BYE
Blonde39DD (6:01:28 PM): Good Bye, ddhelknight!

I am a sad bored, person... :no: