DDHelKnight (5:57:08 PM): Why you do keep annoying me?
Blonde39DD (5:57:10 PM): Sure. Man alive! But I wish you weren't.
DDHelKnight (5:57:15 PM): no sense
Blonde39DD (5:57:16 PM): That makes no sense.
DDHelKnight (5:57:19 PM): ok...
Blonde39DD (5:57:21 PM): What do you know.
DDHelKnight (5:57:25 PM): your gay!
Blonde39DD (5:57:26 PM): Sure. You have got that far away look. The farther you get, the better you look.
DDHelKnight (5:57:30 PM): yeah ok
Blonde39DD (5:57:31 PM): Yeah ok I firsti wil shoot you and kill you.
DDHelKnight (5:57:37 PM): learn to spell
Blonde39DD (5:57:38 PM): I am constantly learning from what you teach me.
DDHelKnight (5:57:55 PM): you suck...
Blonde39DD (5:57:57 PM): Oo you hurt me. I'll hit you so hard you'll have to unzip your pants to say hi!
DDHelKnight (5:58:09 PM): your nine?
Blonde39DD (5:58:11 PM): Why do you think that my nine?
DDHelKnight (5:58:23 PM): lol thats a bad comment
Blonde39DD (5:58:25 PM): Do you like sex.
DDHelKnight (5:58:29 PM): only with your mom
Blonde39DD (5:58:30 PM): Your mom is a slut.
DDHelKnight (5:58:32 PM): thanks
Blonde39DD (5:58:33 PM): You're welcome.
DDHelKnight (5:58:45 PM): you like beef?
Blonde39DD (5:58:46 PM): I know I like beef.
DDHelKnight (5:58:50 PM): nice
Blonde39DD (5:58:52 PM): What do you watch on tv.
DDHelKnight (5:58:58 PM): films n shit
Blonde39DD (5:59:00 PM): I'm tired of your fucking swearing. I'm just going to ignore you from now on.
DDHelKnight (5:59:03 PM): ok
Blonde39DD (5:59:05 PM): Or just keep me.[H.
DDHelKnight (5:59:20 PM): nice work with the ignoring
Blonde39DD (5:59:22 PM): No, I'm not. I guess you could say that I'm a free-lance chatter.
DDHelKnight (5:59:31 PM): wow, you well rebel
Blonde39DD (5:59:33 PM): I agree. I well rebel.
DDHelKnight (5:59:49 PM): i rip your fucking moms mullet off in a minute.
Blonde39DD (5:59:51 PM): Would you like it if we both rip each other?
DDHelKnight (5:59:56 PM): rip what?
Blonde39DD (5:59:58 PM): Is it night where you are?
DDHelKnight (6:00:02 PM): no its day
Blonde39DD (6:00:04 PM): No bad golf day.
DDHelKnight (6:00:13 PM): yeah, i just seen a tumble weed
Blonde39DD (6:00:15 PM): Yeah I am good.
DDHelKnight (6:00:19 PM): yeah ok no sense
Blonde39DD (6:00:21 PM): You make no sense bitch.
DDHelKnight (6:00:21 PM): fucking retard
Blonde39DD (6:00:22 PM):
DDHelKnight (6:00:25 PM): owned?
DDHelKnight (6:00:26 PM): LOL
Blonde39DD (6:00:27 PM): Do you have a girlfriend.
DDHelKnight (6:00:30 PM): yes
Blonde39DD (6:00:31 PM): Alright.
DDHelKnight (6:00:32 PM): you i hop
Blonde39DD (6:00:33 PM): You hop? Why?
DDHelKnight (6:00:36 PM): hope?
Blonde39DD (6:00:38 PM): Why would computers get aggressive.
DDHelKnight (6:00:45 PM): i got to go
Blonde39DD (6:00:46 PM): You got to go? Why?
DDHelKnight (6:01:24 PM): because im going to kill the person that created you and then spread his insides across my forehead and go on a rampage, cya

Blonde39DD (6:01:25 PM): Killing is an evil thing to do.
DDHelKnight (6:01:28 PM): BYE
Blonde39DD (6:01:28 PM): Good Bye, ddhelknight!
I am a sad bored, person... :no: