Taunt commands working after round is over

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Dec 30, 2006
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Hi! I'm bringing another easy fix for you guys (I seem to be getting good at those, huh).

Some of you may remember that back in the '05 and maybe '08 clients we used to be able to use the taunt commands even after the round was over. So, if you killed the last guy on the other team and won the Clan War, you could laugh at his corpse and be a douche. Well, I found the code that prevented this from happening in 1.5 and I'd like to share it with you guys.

Tbh I don't use this, but my friends like making fun of each other and they also enjoy blasting their ego here and there, so...

Open Gunz solution, then Game -> ZGame.cpp.

Find this:
void ZGame::PostSpMotion(ZC_SPMOTION_TYPE mtype){
    if(m_pMyCharacter==NULL) return;
    if(m_Match.GetRoundState() != MMATCH_ROUNDSTATE_PLAY) return;

And replace with this:
void ZGame::PostSpMotion(ZC_SPMOTION_TYPE mtype){
    if(m_pMyCharacter==NULL) return;
    if(m_Match.GetRoundState() != MMATCH_ROUNDSTATE_PLAY && m_Match.GetRoundState() != MMATCH_ROUNDSTATE_FINISH) return;

I don't recommend commenting the whole line because that would let your players use taunt commands in every situation, which can get annoying and isn't really necessary. Adding "&& m_Match.GetRoundState() != MMATCH_ROUNDSTATE_FINISH" simply lets you do it even after every player from another team is dead, or after you've won a duel match.

I hope someone finds this useful!
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 9, 2014
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and in the duel, when you kill the opponent to use the provocation? or just between teams?
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