• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

tbc emu


Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
I am looking for any emu (not very bugged) that can handle 2.0.1-2.0.6 tbc version. I serached on the mangos project but they say to search ragezone for some weeed or something like that.... i looked here and cant really find (wrrr... search is off =( . Can anyone provide me links to newest mangos\others? standalone (db+patches+website+sql) that i can use??? i tryed some KoboltV3 standaolne that i found in some topic... but it can't find some dll files. im doomed xD Plz give a link

oh i forgot... link to some maps unpacking program would be fine =) (i tryed the newest (ekhmmm...) but he cannot unpack maps (from tbc client, coz i want to have tbc maps and characters :P)
kk.. ill correct myself... iam looking for Any working emu for TBC 2.0.3-2.0.7 standalone with tbc\all maps unpacker
it was on that one post that was here but i deleted the files on my comp cuz they didnt work for me then the dude wiped that site lol. its under the ulimate wow download list like with 10 pages here.

too bad flying mounts dont work in mangos yet =(

here is the link for run wow.

its at the very bottom of this guys page. it sthe page someone here psoted a while back

click on wow part

also u need some kind of .net frame if someone has this working let us know what version of net to use thank you

lol if u guys want a 100% bug free server use this its for version 1.6.x LOL have fun but u guys should ezly be able upgrade this
THAT IS NOT RUNWOW!!! It is some fake crap! We all discussed that when we first saw it... It's actually TronEMU, which is a really shitty attempt at an emu based on the wowd core. DO NOT DL IT!