Team Fortress 2/Counter Strike Source (+ possibly server)

Sep 10, 2003
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As discussed in another topic, we have quite a few people here who love these games, and i personally own CSS, i got TF2 on the 360, and i'm going to get it soon when it's stand alone (right now only in the Orange Box, or from Steam), which should be in a few weeks.

I personally think starting something up with TF2, but also CSS as more people got that, and it would still be fun as it's a great game. Still like i said, i think TF2 would be best, as it's a truely amazing game, it's just fantastic, it's so extremely balanced, such great graphics and all that.

For those who are not familiar with TF2 i will give you a rundown.

Team Fortress 2 is like it says a team game, infact the team aspect is key to winning, it doesn't matter how good individual players are, if you don't work together, then you won't win.
TF2 has 9 classes.

Scout - A extremely quick moving character with a double sawed off shotgun, a pistol and a baseball bat. He can double jump (jump in air to reach further/higher places) and will capture capture points twice as fast.
Soldier - A pretty slow moving character with a rocket launcher, shotgun and shovel, a soldier can shoot the ground while jumping to launch in the air to reach higher place without to much life loss.
Pyro - A pretty fast character with a flamethrower, shotgun and a axe, the flamethrower does massive damage upclose (the closer the better) and will put the person on fire, big advantage is with spies who will get on fire so you will know they are a spy. They are pretty much a Engineers best friend.
Demoman - A average moving character with a grenade launcher, another grenade launcher for sticky grenades that can be detonated on command and a glass bottle. Demomans are great for offense and defense, put a bunch of those sticky grenades on the checkpoints to prevent the enemy from capturing it, and it will truely give explosive results.
Heavy Weapons Guy - A extremely slow moving character with lots of life, the HWGuy has a minigun, shotgun and his fists. HWGuys aren't that great imo unless they have a medic with them, as they get sick life because of it (450 instead of the regular 100-200 life that the different chars got), and while their killing speed ain't always great, with a medic they are nearly unstoppable, that is until the medic is dead.
Engineer - A above average moving character with a Shotgun, Pistol, Wrench (both used as a melee weapon and to upgrade/repair devices) and the ability to create a Sentry Gun, Dispenser and Teleporter devices.
-Sentry Gun - A gun that will automatically shoot at people, at it's third stage it will have 2 miniguns and rockets on it. It's range is limited, but it can make awesome defense if it's placed well.
-Dispenser - a device that will heal the user, resupply it's ammo and make building material for the Engineer.
-Teleporters - A engineer can make 2 of these, a entrance and a exit, these can be place anywhere on the map. Ofcourse they can be destroyed so place the exit well.
Sniper - A fairly fast moving character with a sniper rifle, submachinegun and a knife/sword like weapon. Great for sniping obviously, they do massive damage if zoomed in long enough (in like 5 seconds you reach max power), a headshot will kill anyone, even a HWGuy. The smg is fairly weak.
Medic - A fast moving character with a medic gun that can heal others, and can go invunarable together with the person he's healing for a short time once the uber charge is filled up, a syringe automatic gun and a saw like weapon. Though the medic is quite unpopular due to not being in control much as all you mostly do is heal people (you do get points when the person you're healing gets a kill though), it can really shape a match, as a good medic combined with characters like the Soldier, Demoman, Pyro or especially the HWGuy can make the person they're healing nearly unbeatable. Especially when a heavily defended place is being attack where they have Sentry guns and all that, then uber charge will allow the other character to destroy those sentry guns and basicly own the match.
A medic will also slowly regenerate life.
Spy - a fast moving character with a revolver, knife, sabotaging device and a kit to change appearance. The Spy is arguably 1 of the coolest, most annoying and best character around, a good spy can really help out a lot. Basicly the Spy can look like anyone, they can dress up like the enemy to look like a soldier, engineer or whatever you want, the advantage is that others will think you're one of them (though people shoot at you anyway, as they do with everyone, simply to check if you're a spy - more on this later), and so will sentry guns, with the sabotaging device (you can use it without losing your disguise) you can just sabotage all the devices from engineers and it will destroy them in a short period (the engineer can counter this by repairing it), during that period the device will be inactive, so a good team will jump in as soon as the sentrys are being sabotaged to quickly destroy them. The Spy can also backstab people, basicly if a spy attacks they will lose cover, but if they come up from behind and hit with the knife then it's a instant kill, always.
A good Spy is very valuable, not just to finish off engineers crap, but also to backstab other defensive characters, for example a demoman who constantly puts sticky grenades on the checkpoint, the spy could just get up behind them and backstab them... i find it quite annoying as i play demoman a lot.
Pyro's are their worst enemy as Pyro's usually fires with the flamethrower on everyone, and if you are caught on fire then everyone knows you're a spy, and due to low life a Pyro will finish you off fast.

Those are the 9 characters, i believe i didn't really forget anything important. Also basicly the faster the character, the less life they got.
The greatest thing about this game, is that these characters are very balanced, they do want to nerve the Soldier a bit, as it is quite strong atm, especially with a critical rocket (every few attacks you get a critical), and same with the demomans grenades, but it's still very balanced. The fact is that no character is best or worst, they all have such fantastic advantages, and all of them have some real weaknesses, that it makes the teamplay really important. For example a Engineer can put up a great defense, but if there is no Pyro or atleast a HWGuy, then a Spy can easily own them hard, but with a Pyro they're nearly unbeatable, same with a few chars with a medic etc etc. A good team simply has some of everything.
Even better is that they all have such different strategies, no character plays the same, and that's what makes it really fun, because the expierence is different when you take a different char.

I can tell you that i love CoD4, and i really do, best realistic shooter imo, but this is just something different, and i simply love it, it is imo the best shooter out there right now, and i doubt it will be beaten anytime soon.

The game has a cartoonish style btw, which looks great, it doesn't feel cheap or anything like that, in it's own way it's detailed, yet cartoon like. It's a perfect combination and really gives the game a feeling that really fits.
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Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2004
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I own CS:S on Steam. I can get the orange box for 360 if it's worth it, though I'm not too keen on playing alone .
Sep 10, 2003
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Yeah most people will have/get the PC version, the PC version also allows custom maps and stuff, so PC would be the best choice if you want to play with others.

Though i guess i'm not really sure what kind of specs you need to run this game, even if it's on low settings and all.
Master Summoner
Oct 26, 2006
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You can always check if your PC meets the requirements to run a certain game at:

I am planning to buy TOB for 360, since my PC can't run most of the games. I will still be able to run most of the games on TOB at minimum requirement for my PC, so I may as well get it for PC.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2004
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TF:2 is really low-demanding when it comes to PC specs. Though, is it possible to get the 360 version without purchasing the orange box?. In other words, are the games sold separately?.

I've already completed HL:ep2 and Portal on PC.
Sep 10, 2003
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Checked it and i'm good, failed both though... both on disk space lol. Well the recommended on more points, adviced CPU speed is 3 gig, i got a 2500+ and the videocard, adviced is a 7900+ or x1900+, and i got a 6800GT, so i do got all the features covered.

Basicly i will be able to run this fine, might not be the best graphics, but who cares.

No you can't get TF2 for the 360 without getting The Orange Box, same goes for the PS3. Only the PC will get seperate versions for Episode 2, Portal and TF2. In stores that is, it's been available on Steam seperate from day 1 if i'm not mistaken.
Sep 5, 2003
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As far as I'm aware, only way you can get TF2 on it's own is via Steam (best option IMO) but yeah, my old PC (AMD 64 3000+, 2GB Ram, nvidia 7600) could play TF2 and CSS on high settings and still get very reasonable FPS

Anyway we need more people's Steam ID's.
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Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2004
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Is there any upgrade system or any way you can improve your class?. I mean, since you can't make your own maps on the 360 version, the game gotta be a little repetitive after a while?.
Sep 5, 2003
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While I nearly always prefer to have a nice box etc, there's something awesome about just being able to buy a game on Steam and it's there available to play.

Nope can't upgrade your class but the funny thing is, I've played the game for 30+ hours in under a week and I'm still not bored, can play it for hours at a time where CSS is now just like 25 minutes and I'm bored.
Master Summoner
Oct 26, 2006
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TF2 on 360 has DLC, so I am pretty sure that they add in new maps every now and than.
30 Seconds.
Loyal Member
Aug 2, 2005
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ill get the game when alot of you mofos play it
Account terminated
Loyal Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I tried myself on Can You Run It? and i'm set to play TF2 just have to buy it... PC ofc.
That would be great to play with you peeps as a team ^^

i already like this guy

i thought this cartoonish style would suck but i've changed my mind...



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Loyal Member
Sep 20, 2005
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A counterstrike:source gun-game server would rock.