That video thing

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Apr 6, 2004
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has any1 seen it whith the tank who gets his hed chopped off? its sik as fuk is it real cz if it is its mank!
XTC said:
has any1 seen it whith the tank who gets his hed chopped off? its sik as fuk is it real cz if it is its mank!
ok ok wot i mean 2 say is has anyone seen the video with the man (american) who gets his head chopped off by terrorists its sick as fuck is it real ..?.................there thats better yes?
UBAT said:
ok ok wot i mean 2 say is has anyone seen the video with the man (american) who gets his head chopped off by terrorists its sick as fuck is it real ..?.................there thats better yes?

Why not just write like that then? Much easier to read and understand, is it not? Doesn't take too much more work, or does it? :P

And to answer your question, yes it was sick, and I'm going to say yes it's real.
UBAT said:
ok ok wot i mean 2 say is has anyone seen the video with the man (american) who gets his head chopped off by terrorists its sick as fuck is it real ..?.................there thats better yes?

thats better *hands a cookie*

yes i have seen it and yes i found it very sick but think he was dead already b4 it

btw there was a thread 4 this a while ago Oo
UBAT said:
ok ok wot i mean 2 say is has anyone seen the video with the man (american) who gets his head chopped off by terrorists its sick as fuck is it real ..?.................there thats better yes?

much better :tp:

its real but theres dispute over whether he was dead or not before they cut his head off

personally i think that i dont know lol
UBAT said:
ok ok wot i mean 2 say is has anyone seen the video with the man (american) who gets his head chopped off by terrorists its sick as fuck is it real ..?.................there thats better yes?
Well now that you are busy with improving things, why not just stay away from this forum, now that would be a improvement.
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