The 1.6 client for 1.5 emu -> What Works and what doesn't

Experienced Elementalist
Jun 2, 2006
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Em casa
Well i tested some stuff, and what works :

- new floors
- mini map
- Hp/mp bar
-New Inventory, Charecter Sheet and grup skins
- Some walls
- Some Itens skins
- Some street lamps
- Rain/Snow/Fog
and here what does't work:

- Double Weapons
- monsters new skins
- alot of items skins...
-Lvl UP animation
Well... i'm testing the rest...
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my mistake, fog, rain and snow works perfectly
look the pics above


  • img002 - The 1.6 client for 1.5 emu -> What Works and what doesn't - RaGEZONE Forums
    118.6 KB · Views: 150
  • img005 - The 1.6 client for 1.5 emu -> What Works and what doesn't - RaGEZONE Forums
    230.1 KB · Views: 137

Can you please tell me how to use it?

Is it a client? Do I have to run something?

What do players need to play on my server?
The Dialsoft 1.60 Client??

PLz answer, it'll be very helpful..

EDIT: Double weapons work?
2 wepons dont, cause the skill doesnt exit in this client
and my server isnt public... i'm testing everything before...

add new pic:


  • image32 - The 1.6 client for 1.5 emu -> What Works and what doesn't - RaGEZONE Forums
    151.9 KB · Views: 157
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Aew... Aditive vc tah de parabens pelo o server que vc tah montando... aew... me ajuda num negocio... esse prophexy e esse tal de stuff... como eu fa
juste enter '.help' in game and you will see all commands ;)

.fog on/off
.rain on/off
.snow on/off
.dagger on/off
.spell 1/2/3/4/5/6/7