The "300" Movie

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1000 Posts 10 Happy Years
Jun 8, 2006
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Hey everybody,

What do you think about the 300 film?

I watched it yesterday I think it is very nice. Yesterday was the premier here in Greece.

I plan to go see it with my friend(s) this weekened maybe. All depends what happens.
Already got a DVD Copy for it :) Will have fun watching it on 42'inch Flat/LCD TV with Home Theater.
i have the 42 inch flat etc but i aint got the DvD copy.. where did you get it you dirty ... .. . ......?
Howz the rating?

kost - The "300" Movie - RaGEZONE Forums
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Is that one of thise scanners that the sayians used in DBZ?

The movie looks ok but really how can 300 beat 1k people... 1k were children?
i have the 42 inch flat etc but i aint got the DvD copy.. where did you get it you dirty ... .. . ......?

Lets just say I have sources.

Recently a theater got shut down near my city. Actually yesterday. Since it was their last day, they were selling almost all the stuff for 50% low price and if you get the film strip and know the right person then you are all set.
Thats cool, to bad if someone tiped the gov about this something may happen. But alot people can be shut up for a small fee *opens hand ready to take the cold hard cash*

But from what I see alot of graphics are put into the movie, makes it look cartoonish in a way.
Is that one of thise scanners that the sayians used in DBZ?

The movie looks ok but really how can 300 beat 1k people... 1k were children?

Actually they weren't 1k they were 1mil. So if you saw the movie, at the beginning it says how spartans used to train. (when they wee 7 they were leaving their home and they were going to stay on mounts and stuff). It is all true. I am from greece and in history it says about it ;). So the 300 men were trained and were actually soldiers. The 1mil (aka 1kk) were just slaves. They were a lot but not good. Size but not quality ;) if you see what i mean then you can find the answer ;)
Lets just say I have sources.

Recently a theater got shut down near my city. Actually yesterday. Since it was their last day, they were selling almost all the stuff for 50% low price and if you get the film strip and know the right person then you are all set.

Wanna share it with us? =p
Lets just say I have sources.

Recently a theater got shut down near my city. Actually yesterday. Since it was their last day, they were selling almost all the stuff for 50% low price and if you get the film strip and know the right person then you are all set.

Piracy at is purest form!

I love it. Saw the movie. Didnt wait for the weekend to come. It was amazing. Loved it. I remember reading about it in a book though. Dont really remember which one.

EDIT: Remember now. In the book called "Spartan" by Valerio Massimo Manfredi ..Amazing book. Anyone else read it?
Well most of the 'slaves' would of been just standing still doing nothing with no weapons to lose. *thinks about how many it would be for each* Oh only like 3 people for each of the spartans then I guess but because its a massive group atleast 1 spartan died ;P