The Aging Machine

May 17, 2004
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Los Angeles
Well, I've been in Toronto for 1.5 years now, and only recently I visited the Ontario Science Centre. I pushed my family to go there when I heard of the Aging Machine exhibit they had there. What it does is take a snapshot of you, and then processes it (3 minute process) and ages you by 50 years! I was fascinated by the idea and knew I had to try it out.

When we got there, there was a 1 hour line for the damn thing but I waited anyways. We've already finished playing around with the rest of the exhibits anyways. Once I actually tried it out and got the results, I was surprised, to say the least. I looked much more different than I thought my 67 year-old-self would look like.

And to finally get to the point, here are the results:
























This is the snapshot it took:
RsX - The Aging Machine - RaGEZONE Forums

That's me (17 years old).

And, after 3 minutes of waiting, this was the outcome:
RsX - The Aging Machine - RaGEZONE Forums

This is how I might look when I'm 67.

I'm not complaining :p As long as there aren't any wrinkles, or any sagging, I'm happy ;)


P.S. If anyone here visited the Ontario Science Centre and tried The Aging Machine, please share your experiences and, if you still have the pictures, upload them!
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do you have their website? i might wanna send em my pic and want to see me in 50years from now ^^
Is that what the RZ supermod looks like then...
Bull...oh well interesting at least...
Hopefully in 50 years you do somethin about ur hair...jk
ex is the bukkake faced killer :P

That's what he wants us to think! (Spam omg yes)

Harsh as it sounds but u gonna have a big old nose! =-P. And small ears, well they look small in proportion, but hey atleast ur not a dirty skank whore at 67 like some ppl =-O Look a bit like you probably havent gon crazy at 67 which is always a bonus.
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just a stretched image...bigger ears...smaller eyes...same eyebrows...stretched chin.