The best server/version ?

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everbody, i want to make a blizzlike server and i would like to know what is the best server and version for stability and developpement ?

Thanks !

P S : Sorry for my bad engish.
diaz987 - The best server/version ? - RaGEZONE Forums
Mangos Kobold v3 GSE!<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
Well atm i would chose for mangos becose it is way bether and more easy to install it only is for 1.12.x . Luddy is for 2.0.1 but have lots of bugs as i have heard so far .

Kv3 is more stable than mangos is, but not as updated.
And right now Kv3 is running very well, where as mangos is still very buggy, but since mangos is still new, it's to be expected.

Mangos is doing what epsxe done for playstation emulation, and we shall just have to wait and see how it's progress does.

As for the best, there is no way of saying what is best, different people like different setups, while mangos might be more up to date, Kobold is more stable, but closed source.

It all depends on you.